Apr 03, 2010 04:16
- 03:17:53: New LJ Post: From Twitter 04-01-2010 http://bit.ly/cXD8ON
- 04:38:02: I'm annoyed by the "Sam is an asshole" posts I'm seeing. HE IS NOT. The way Show keeps portraying their childhoods, there's nothing wrong...
- 04:38:45: ...with wanting a way out of that, wanting something more. Having individual dreams is a strength, not a weakness. It's good that Sam is...
- 04:39:18: ...seeing and understanding the cost of that to Dean, but HE'S NOT A BAD PERSON FOR WANTING MORE OUT OF LIFE. Gah.
- 05:12:07: Gah, dodger_winslow's ep meta is blowing my mind. As usual.
- 05:57:14: ::flails, points helplessly:: Look. Read. http://dodger-winslow.livejournal.com/222262.html I hope it bears out so beautifully.
- 07:58:54: Five updates.
- 12:16:44: rewatching the ep, and wow, Sam's compassion and empathy for Dean is really getting me. He feels for Dean a lot more than Dean feels for him
- 12:23:23: @ IAmCastiel Come back soon, hon.
- 12:27:28: @ earthquakedream I know right? Oh wow, this episode. They really hit the nail on the head this time, after a bunch of misses.
- 12:27:51: I think I'm going to be expanding my Void ficlet into an episode tag.
- 23:08:21: Ugh, I am so sick. whut. how did that happen.
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