AVD a Day Late

Mar 16, 2010 11:27

I am sick and flaky.

Here, have two videos of the inexplicably awesome variety. They were originally posted at Newgrounds.com, which I frequented once upon a time, back when the videos came out in pop-up windows and took for-freakin'-ever to load on my dial-up, before YouTube was useful and universal. It's fun to remember those days. This was before the popularity of Guitar Hero, too (was posted a year before the first Guitar Hero even came out WOW I'M OLD), but I like to think the second half of the first video helped to pave the way for it.

The original, in all its Flash-y glory, or just watch it below.

image Click to view


image Click to view

Do you remember the days before YouTube? Holy crap, do I.

video, geekiness

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