I was going to post this yesterday, or maybe Saturday, but I was...busy. See, I have this problem, where I get really into a TV show and can't stop watching. I didn't think that it would happen this weekend--I seriously thought I would spend those two days cleaning house and catching up on some projects and maybe even spend some time with my family
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(And I don't think John is bad. We tend to see him through his boys and that is a biased view. I think he made a lot of mistakes and his obsession robbed him of quality time with his children. I think he realized that at the end.)
And Bobby is awesome. I like Ellen too :)
Did you finish all of S2? Or are you part way through? It's a real solid season.
yeah be careful in fandom. Especially now. Fandom is a bit chatty. I am still blissfully ignornant as to what happens in S4 and what happens in the first episode of the upcoming season.
I hope you enjoy S3! It had some rough spots, but I still enjoyed it :)
Yeah, I can see that John isn't a bad person. I'm not hostile to him as a character, just to the choices he made. (And the way he talks to Dean, much of the time.) It's not like I hate him or anything--I never really get that worked up over anyone who isn't blatantly evil. I just... don't like him. Make sense? No matter how important your mission is and how obsessed you are and how good you are at what you do, to me there are some things that you Just Don't Do, and one of them is being a jackass in the way you treat your child. This is probably wrapped up in my feelings about my own father, too, who can be a great guy most of the time, but every once in a while he's just... mean, not so much to me as to some of my younger siblings, and it lights this fire of anger in me that I have a hard time controlling. I love my dad, I really do, and it's not like he's abusive or anything. He just... shouldn't do that.
And yes, Ellen is pure awesome. :D Like I said, one reason S2 is so much better for me is that there are better female characters that aren't there just to draw male viewers. Bobby was great in the episode with the Trickster. I like it that the boys have some solid, supportive adults in their lives, even though their parents are gone. (And yeah, I know that there's still something that's going to happen with John, but I don't know the particulars yet.)
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