Frivolous and Silly Post

Feb 05, 2010 07:51

Last night my Thursday gaming group did a photo shoot for make-a-cards for a game called ZOMBIES. It was hilarious good times. We went to Wal-Mart and shopped for zombie-killin' stuff, and I made fake blood, and we took many, many awesome and hilarious pictures which I hope I will be able to share with you soon.

But I got home and watched the new Supernatural and was too wired to sleep, so I ended up playing with my webcam. I really enjoyed posing for the camera with my friends, making goofy faces and getting giggles out of them with my expressions, and I just kept doing that for my own amusement. It was great.

I've always been very camera-shy. I've always hated how I look and I hate having to see myself, even in the mirror. (I don't have one in my bedroom and I avoid looking at myself when I use restrooms.) But that's kinda silly, right? I am who I am. If I'm going to try to be more accepting of myself and my body, which I've loathed for many years, I should learn to like what I look like, too.

So this is sort of healthy? Maybe? Anyway, I thought they were kinda funny and I'm willing to share. Thus, in the spirit of, I present Maychorian Expresses an Emotion.

I am so surprised. I'm going to have a heart attack and DIE from that surprise.

Need caffeine to deal. The sun is a troll. Boo hiss.

Bitchface (Patent pending by Sammy Winchester, 2005)

Oh, really? Do go on.


Just killed something in D&D. Or ZOMBIES. Or Munchkin. Or Killer Bunnies. Or anything, really.

Smugly superior

Why did you DO that?

Pleasantly surprised


New Supernatural tonight!!!

Somebody ate my PIE.

Kripke killed another recurring female character?

Seriously considering your suggestion

We're going in a...different direction.

Singing my heart out.

And two outtakes:

Is that a rat in your shirt or are you just happy to see me?

My wonky eye. It does that all the flipping time. Stupid keratoconus.

This will be f-locked soon.

fat acceptance, homg i'm sort of a weirdo, i have awesome friends, pic, d&d

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