Seeking Shelter

Jul 22, 2008 18:20

Fandom: SGA/SG-1 Crossover
Title: Seeking Shelter
Author: Maychorian
Characters: Ford, Jonas
Category: Gen, drama, crossover, vignette
Rating: PG/K+
Spoilers: Season 9/10 SG-1, Season 2 SGA
Author's Note: Reposted commentfic. Another one from LeapGate! Prompt was Aiden Ford, Jonas Quinn; rain. Original note--I don't know if the timelines of this actually line up at all--haven't seen SGA s3 so I don't know if Ford shows up again, if he's better, etc. I'm going to assume that this works, though, because I want to write it.

They didn't ask each other how they had gotten where they were. It wasn't something you asked. And they both knew, anyway, the gist if not the details. Chance and misfortune, death and abandonment, implacable enemies and missing friends, gates that opened, gates that wouldn't open no matter how hard you pushed on them.

It was the high ground, really, that had brought them together, running uphill away, ducking under a dense fall of trees, hollowed beneath, seeking shelter when the rain started. Jonas had been there first, but did not object to sharing when the wild young man with the knife appeared at the opening, panting and gasping, staring. He had just scooted over to make room, then sat with his hands clasped around his knees, gazing down the hill.

The other man hesitated, then collapsed into a sitting position beside him, huffing, still holding the knife. They stared together down the hill, watching the rain and light, listening to the thunder and the screams.

It was strangely and terribly beautiful, really, the white beams of light sheeting through the rain, passing over running people like the finger of god and making them vanish. The ships were harbingers of death, Jonas knew, but they were also lovely, perfect little arrows screaming through the air. It was so surreal and unearthly, the lightning from the sky, the lightning that wasn't from the sky.

His mind had been carefully cataloging details like this ever since his world had fallen and he had run through the gate, then starting hopping randomly. That last hop had been too long, too different--something had happened. And here he was, somewhere else, facing yet another undefeatable enemy. It was all so familiar.

He was still in shock, probably.

"I'm Jonas," he finally said, glancing at his silent companion.

"Aiden," the other said absently. He was playing with his knife, easily, comfortably--he must do that a lot.

There was something wrong with Aiden's eyes. Jonas decided not to notice.

"I'm not from around here," he offered later, after they had been watching the culling for another hour or so.

"Neither am I."

"I don't really know what to do."

Jonas hadn't realized that he was going to say that until it was too late. Oh well. It was the truth.

Aiden looked at him, studying him with those strange eyes. At last, he smiled. "I can show you."

aiden ford, fanfiction, sg-1, crossover, commentfic, jonas quinn, drama, sga

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