
Jan 17, 2010 20:04

Ah! So there is this awesome, awesome thing called festivids that's been all over my flist lately. I've been sort of sucked into the master list, when I'm not working on my BB. Here are a few of the ones I've already watched multiple times because they are JUST. THAT. AWESOME.

Here It Goes Back Again Back to the Future Trilogy vid set to "Here It Goes Again" by OK Go. GLEEEEEEEEEEE. It's so utterly perfect. Brilliantly edited and fast-paced and fun.

In the Ayer Leverage ensemble. It's got these wonderful voices for all of them and it's so well put-together and just so, so fun. They are all so very awesome it makes me want to cry, a little. Out of sheer happiness.

Le Disko Neverending Story vid with music by Shiny Toys Guns. I just... It works. I dunno how, but it WORKS. It actually made me kind of cry the first time I watched it, which is a little crazy, because the vid itself is made of beautiful, beautiful shiny crack. It just made me remember how much I love that movie, and why. And it's so, SO pretty.

Hanuman The Princess Bride. INIGO! FENCING! ::dies of awesome:: The music is so perfect. NNNNGH. It makes me want to watch the movie yet again and I've seen it like a billion times.

Mr. Blue Sky Wall-E. This vid is just pure brilliance. Full stop.

There are lots of other awesome ones, too. Some I skipped because I'm not familiar with the source, things like that. I encourage you to check out the master list.

vid rec, leverage, movies

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