You're so beautiful, you could be an air hostess in the sixties.

Oct 24, 2009 20:37

Because of the iCarly crossover that was recced at spngenlove awhile ago, I put iCarly on my Netflix instant queue and stuff. It's a goofy show, over the top in every way, sometimes embarassingly stupid and sometimes ridiculously hilarious. I don't even... AHAHAHAHA. Spencer is this guy, Carly's older brother on the show, and oh he makes me laugh. I LOVE HIS STUPID FACE. (He's twenty-six so it's okay.) In the last episode I watched with my little sister, H, he ended up in Canada because he fell asleep on the bus, but he was still excited because he brought back OMFG CANADIAN BACON, and then he opens it and it's just sliced ham and his face is so terribly betrayed, but then he holds the slice of ham cautiously next to his mouth, with great doubt, and slowly stuffs the whole thing in his mouth, and somehow he looks surprisingly happy again. And then the opening theme song started and I laughed my head off all the way through it. The moment, oh, it was truly indescribable. I don't think I'm expressing the hilarity of the moment at all, and I looked for clips online and THEY DON'T EXIST. D: (The ep was "iPromote" something, some kind of shoe, look it up if you can, that moment is so worth it.)

Anyway. I ♥ Spencer. I would quite like to be his BFF.

Speaking of Spencer, last week's Psych was amazing and I want to seek out fanfic because it definitely needs a coda (THERE WAS NO ONSCREEN HUG OMG WHY DO YOU HURT ME SO, SHOW?) but I am scared. I even thought about writing one, which is weird, cuz I've been pretty exclusively SPN for quite some time now.

In other good things, I bought these most amazing headphones on clearance at Meijer that make all my music sound better. They are Koss and I don't know what model they are but they cushion my ears in gigantic pillows of aural love. So I have been listening to my music a lot lately, and keep wanting to share stuff I love with you guys. Right now it's Flight of Conchords, I have the EP they had on iTunes, and I want to give you "If You're Into It" or "The Most Beautiful Girl in the Room" or something, but I can't decide.

But here's As You Cry by The Hush Sound, and I DARE you not to tap your fingers or bob your head or something. I posted that on my twitter yesterday because I just couldn't help myself.

Also, I am writing crack today. This is possibly all related, I don't know.

Also, I found a good download site. No more waiting for torrents! \o/

psych, random shininess, music

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