Supernatural 5.3

Sep 25, 2009 08:33


Okay, I haven't had a chance yet to rewatch the episode like I think I'm going to need to, but here are my initial thoughts after a night of pondering and percolating and cogitating.

First things first--mad, crazy, insane, over-the-top love for Castiel in this episode. How adorable was that? He misses having his brothers to hang out and work with and help him, so he comes to Dean. ::drawn-out AWWW rapidly rising in pitch:: Poor baby. He just doesn't get human things. It makes me kind of sad, though, that he really is so desperately alone, that Dean is the only person in the universe who will help him. Castiel must feel terribly isolated and lonely, and it must be freaking him out somewhere deep inside his angel heart. We know that angels constantly talk to each other over the "wireless", and they're organized in garrisons, and it seemed that Castiel working with Uriel was a regular thing, so when angels have missions that are more complicated than just delivering a message they appear to go in pairs or packs. But now Castiel is all alone, and goodness, it must be so hard. You could see on his face just how bothered he is by the entire situation. His entire demeanor this season has been different than the last, more frantic, more rushed, and maybe that's because of the whole end-of-the-world-thing, and maybe it's also just because this is all so new and terrifying. ::pets his silly hair::

And, of course, it leads him into trouble, poor woobie, because he's following Dean into situations he would probably object to, if he wasn't so vulnerable and needy for company. I mean, the whole cat house scene? Yeah. Castiel didn't want to be there, but he tried to stick it out, because of Dean. I watched the episode last night with my sister, and we were totally covering our eyes and laughing in embarrassment and yelling at Dean to leave the poor guy alone through that whole thing. I'm sure Dean thought he was being helpful and kind, but he really, really wasn't.

And I'll just mention now that there was definitely something wrong with that whole scene. It didn't occur to me at the time because I knew instinctively that the whole attempt was going to fail, but what about Jimmy Novak? There was no mention of him, and Castiel was just going to use his body like that? I guess most angels figure that consent for anything and everything is given when the host first accepts their presence, but wow. Jimmy's a family man and a devout Christian. I can just about guarantee that he would NOT want his body being used for sex. But then, I'm sure there are lots of things that Jimmy would object to, if he had a choice. ::sigh::

It did occur to me, though the idea makes me very, very sad, that perhaps when God or whomever resurrected Castiel, Jimmy wasn't brought back, too. Maybe Castiel is like Ruby in S4, now, walking around in an empty body. That would make things much simpler, but I really like Jimmy, and I wanted him to get a happy ending. :(

But anyway. Back to the squee. I so adored Castiel's cluelessness in dealing with the cops and everything. It made me think of bellatemple's recent series of crack snippets, in which Dean explains away Castiel's odd behavior by telling a passer-by that he's mentally disabled. And oh, it was mean, but actually, that's kind of an awesome cover for how Castiel acts sometimes. :D He was so, so cute.

Also love how he's continuing to pick up Dean's attitude and vocabulary. He's like a little kid, in some ways, imitating an admired parent, or perhaps older sibling is the better analogy. Dean, Dean, Dean, you gotta be more careful to be a better influence on your new friend. He's entirely too impressionable. ;D Made me think of another fic I've read recently which referred to Castiel as a "bright and shiny young thing," and yeah, that seems accurate. Castiel struck me as just so young and innocent in this episode, and I'm not just talking about the virginity thing. It makes me wonder how long he's really been around, if the Supernatural mythos has angels coming into existence all through time, instead of the usual idea that all the angels were made at the beginning. I wonder if we'll ever find out. Demons come from humans in this mythology--do angels, too?

And he just POPS OVER TO JERUSALEM for an errand. ♥ ♥ ♥ You're so cool, Castiel. You put the rest of us to shame.

Okay, back to the beginning. I absolutely loved the opening sequence, following Dean and Sam in their separate but similar attempts to live without each other. The song choice was absolutely perfect (and I LOVE that song, anyway), but it was great, seeing how they both are trying to simplify things, Dean by going back to what he knows and does best--hunting evil things--and Sam trying to purify himself by living quietly off the grid. Neither of them looked happy, though, just coping. (So yeah, I'm not buying what Dean was selling at the the end of the episode, either.)

It was fun to see a return of early-season Dean, badass and competent and kind of adorably sleazy. He's good at what he does, and he's good at mentoring people new to the life (Sam in S1, Castiel in this episode). It's often been remarked that Dean seems to NEED someone to protect and guide, and Cas filled that role here, though very different from Sam in almost every way. But yeah, Dean seemed almost happy, almost fulfilled, and it was so, so lovely to hear him laugh, even though he was an idiot for putting them in that situation in the first place. Pleasure in simplicity, that's our Dean, and this, for him, is simplicity.

And maybe he truly does believe that he's good, he's happy, at least in this moment. Getting out from under the constant worry and stress of a baby brother going rogue and constantly putting you down while you simultaneously try to prevent the end of the world and also, oh yeah, do absolutely everything you can to hide your PTSD from both yourself and everyone around you--that's damn draining, that is. I'm sure Dean feels a lot of relief and release, a lot less tension and anxiety, and that's a kind of happiness, too. Relief of pain, after a constant barrage of it, feels better than the simple absence of pain, that I can tell you from experience. It's almost euphoric, a natural high that can make you feel light as a feather, for a little while. The end of the world is upon them and that's going to be trouble down the road, but in the meantime Dean can kill a vampire and find a new hunt and drive to Maine and try to get his angel buddy laid, and hey, it's all good in the neighborhood.

But I don't think this contentment is going to last. Oh, no, not at all. And his face after Castiel disappeared out of the car? Yeah. He's having trouble keeping it up already. Loved, too, how he tried to comfort Castiel, even though he doesn't personally believe that God is out there. Echoes of 3.7, when he tried to convince Sam that even though the angels didn't live up to his expectations, his faith was still worthwhile, worth holding on to. I like how protective Dean is of their emotions and faith, both Sam and Castiel. Even though he can't have something himself, he wants them to have it. ♥

Sam's story in this episode was a lot more heartbreaking. He's trying so, so hard, but the supernatural world just doesn't want to leave him alone. Every attempt he makes at being normal, even for a week, always goes so horribly awry. :( I really liked Lindsay and her attempts to comfort and cheer him, and I hope that Sam can find some solace in her friendship and companionship at least for a little while longer, but I don't know, after all that went down in that bar. :( Geez, can't Sam have a friend for even a couple of weeks?

I was so, so proud of him for not swallowing that blood. Gah. That was a horrific sequence. I like to think, though, that even without Lindsay watching, he still wouldn't have killed that hunter.

I didn't see the Lucifer reveal coming. Totally thought that Jess was a construct of his mind. She was saying the same sorts of things that his hallucinations were saying in 4.21. But no, it was Lucy all along. And the vessel thing? Oh, gah, I wonder how many of us had called that. I even used the idea myself, in the future scene at the beginning of my Rain Falling Down AU, but after the Dean-is-Michael's-vessel revelation I thought maybe that was it. But no. Both of the Winchester boys are uniquely important in the grand scheme of the Apocalypse. O.O

Sam's defiance is ♥, too. That's my boy. He'd rather kill himself than serve evil again, however unwittingly. I hope it doesn't come to that, man, I really, really don't want that to happen ever ever ever. But I'm glad he can say it with such conviction.

And man, the boys need to get back together. Dean needs to be there to look out for Sam and protect him from crazy hunters, and they can stand together and BOTH refuse to consent to their respective (fallen) angel, and it will be awesome.

I'm really excited for future episodes, now, because I honestly have no idea what's going to happen. And that's very, very cool.

meta, supernatural ep

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