Darn it, I think I'm getting sicker. I've had an ear infection for too long and I finally went to the clinic and got a prescription and I've been on it for a whole day now, four doses (generic keflex, good stuff), and yet today I feel WORSE. Headache, sore throat, dizziness...wtf, me?
So anyway. From the lovely
1. Leave me a comment saying anything random, like your favorite lyric to your current favorite song.
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.
1. What is your favorite thing about people in general?
I love all the crazy-creative, weird, out-there, and just plain nutso things people do. I find people endlessly entertaining. No, really, I do. Especially you. As a species, we are clearly nucking futs, and I love it.
Especially my awesome geeky friends, both IRL and here on LJ. You guys make me laugh, make me cry, make me squee, make me feel better when I'm down, and give me hope that life in general is not really as bad as it seems it must be when my head hurts and my ear hurts and my throat hurts and my heart aches and my insides twist. ::high-fives the lot of you::
2. If you could have anything in the whole entire world for a career, what would you be?
Someone asked me this at a dinner party for my birthday a couple years ago, and I'll give you the same answer I gave him: If I could do anything in the world, without worrying about money or prospects or anything like that, I would want to be someone who comes alongside young kids who need a friend and just...be their friend. I'm talking ten-to-fourteen, in general, that messed up age when everything goes wrong. It was a miserable time for me, and I know it's the same for lots of kids. Childhood is important and kids don't get the respect and support they need and deserve, and if there was one thing I could change about the world, one thing I could DO, that would be it.
...Yeah, basically I want the same thing as Holden Caulfield. I'd like to be a Catcher in the Rye.
3. No man may know the measure of his days. If you could, would you?
Nah. I know where I'm going. Not such a big deal when I get there.
4. You can only have one kind of pet. What kind of pet do you have?
Oh, Dragons, you is mean! ::weeps:: You KNOW I love many kinds of pets!
That's so hard to answer, gah...
But, in the end...I have to go with mice. I haven't had any for awhile and I miss them ridiculously. Miss their little nosies and whiskers and paws and silky soft fur, miss the excitement of new babies and the warmth of holding a whole bundle in my hands at once, miss the tame ones who would run to my hand for pettings and lick me to return the grooming and...yeah. I miss 'em.
But I still love cats and rats and all sorts of other things, too. This Monday I got to hold a mini Lop bunny rabbit and OMG. WAAAAANNNTTTT.
5. Tell me about something you've done this year that you are proud of. Shut up. I know that's not a question. Just do it.
Man, that's hard, too. I haven't had a real good year.
But I'm proud of my Big Bang. It was intensely personal and it took a lot of guts for me to put it out there, but I did it. If even one person is helped by the things I said in there, it's worth it