I know I haven't posted for awhile. Didja miss me? It's mostly because I'm not supposed to blog at work anymore, and when I go home to my parents' house (where I am now) or to the library, I usually have a bunch of other stuff I'm trying to catch up on. Like email. Sheez, I have about twenty unread emails in my box right now.
Anyway, I'm still doing pretty good. Getting a bit discouraged with work. I keep hoping that I'll get more hours, and finally be full-time, but it just doesn't happen. Last week I worked about twenty-five hours, though I'll be paid for more because I was sitting around there, waiting. Meanwhile they just keep hiring people, including another copywriter, and I keep thinking, if there's so much work, why isn't there enough for me? I'm living from paycheck to paycheck, I can't seem to get caught up on bills, and I always feel insecure financially. I'm not saving and I'm not planning ahead, because I don't know how much money I can count on getting. I have little stomachaches, sometimes, just thinking about it. It's not a pleasure to go to work, not like it was at the beginning. I guess that's normal, but still. I LIKED it when I enjoyed my work.
Like I said, discouraging.
My social life is cool, though. :) I have more friends! Jenny and Sean and Tim and Bob, who are my Star Wars RPG group, plus Tim Deal. We're really starting to gel, as a team and as friends. I wish we met every week instead of every other. I had my sister Talitha over at one point for a game, and she really enjoyed it and wants to play. So yay! I wish Talitha was eighteen so she could move in with me. We would have awesome fun good times together.
And my regular D&D group continues to be awesome. We're taking a break from Aaron's campaign, because he was getting a little tired, and we're going to start Josh's campaign next week. Josh has been working on a really neat campaign setting with an Asian flavor, including a very cool pantheon that the five of us worked on together. I'm going to be a paladin from the far northern country, basically an Inuit type of thing. Her name is Tikaani Iluak Kenokbuk and she's great. While I was bored at work I wrote bunches of character notes on her, which I may publish here later, and I'm very excited to play with her. And Jill is going to be a pirate! Whee fun! And Gabe is going to be a Shugenja, and we're having another guy join us, Joely, who's going to be like a fire psionic sort of thing, and I'm not sure about Aaron--he was still deciding between a couple of options last time we talked about it.
Anyway, it's going to be great.
I also had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family, both my dad's side and my mom's. It was fun to see all of my aunts and uncles and catch up with my cousins. And Mom's turkey was FANTASTIC. Mmm, juicy. Bethany and Peter seem to be doing well out in Illinois, but I need to stay in better contact with them.
And last night was the Christmas party with my office, and that was also fun. I really do like all the people I work with. It was up in Kendallville, at the home of Michael, one of our copywriters, whom I consider to be my friend. A truly lovely house--mansion, really. It was just a nice, relaxing evening.
My NaNo novel stalled, but it was a good experience for me, nonetheless. I've decided that I'm going to try to write 500 to 1000 words every day, at least. That will definitely be better than I have been doing, and with the whole NaNo thing, I know I can do it. Maybe now I'll finish something.
Oh man, and last Monday we watched the whole Taylor Trilogy, and that got me thinking that I need to be better friends with these Nick and Natasha people. They're so cool, and I think we would really get along.