Supernatural 4.20

May 01, 2009 09:11

I am soooo tired. I should be napping. The last week has been pretty stressful and all. But yeah, cannot keep away from the beautiful, beautiful file.

Just... Holy crap. Castiel got reprogrammed. It reminded me of that episode in Dark Angel where Alec (before he was Alec) fell in love with that girl even though he was supposed to kill her father, and then Manticore hauled him in and did all sorts of awful things to him. I know we'll never know exactly what went down there, what punishment Castiel suffered, but I'm so, so sad. He was opening up and becoming human in so many very, very interesting ways, and now it looks like it's back to square one. :( I really hope that he's still holding on to some corner of his defiance and doubts, though, the way Alec did.

Really liked Jimmy and his family, and the plot was good. Tragic, though. Really tragic. That poor little girl. Maybe Dean and Sam could show 'em their tattoos. If they're the kind of Christians who drink beer, they probably wouldn't mind a little ink if it will prevent demonic possession again. Though maybe the kid was already immune? Because of her special blood?

I do think what Castiel did to that family was pretty nasty, taking away the father and not telling him exactly what he was getting into. But that was cold, otherworldly soldier Cas, back before he started getting to know Dean and Sam, and we know that he was in a hurry, what with the apocalypse and all. A vessel is hard to find, apparently, and he didn't have the resources to find one who was willing, devout, AND single. It's still a terrible thing for the Novak family, though. And now Cas is apparently back to that soldier again, and it frickin' HURTS.

And that ending. Wow. Heart in my throat. I hated and loved it in equal measure, because I wasn't expecting it at all, and that's cool, but oh, Sammy Sammy Sammy. He's only been doing what he thinks he needs to do, even if his motives weren't quite pure, and now he's in way over his head, and I love him, I do, I do, and this breaks my heart.

Him drinking the blood in the last battle? That was to save Jimmy's wife, wasn't it? Did that occur to Dean, or was he just in too much shock to understand the ramifications?

Incidentally, just how awesome were the boys rushing in like big damn heroes to save the Novaks from Roger and his missus? Awesome awesome awesome. Reminded me of every reason that I love them.

And then the episode went and screwed with my head and my heart, of course. This season is going to be the death of me.

TWO MORE EPS. ::is both very excited and very frightened::

supernatural ep

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