Icon Meme

Apr 28, 2009 14:18

Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, what significance it has.

Ah, I actually made this one, and I'm kinda okay with it, too! MSPainty, no? Anyway, not much to say about this except that I think Daniel Jackson is beautiful, and that expression of awe and wonder is one of the beautifulest of all his expressions. ♥

This is the way I feel about my writing all the time. Surely as you keep writing and writing and writing you can't help but get better, right? Surely it's impossible to get worse, right? Right? D:

Um, I think this is adorable, and I wanted to have a Who/TW icon in case I ever wrote or commented on Who/TW stuff. Haven't done it much, but I like having the option. Also a good icon for when I'm just feeling generally spazzy, which isn't exactly rare for me.

I love xkcd and I love that Discovery commercial and I agree with pretty much every statement in this comic, except maybe "I love your suffering"...not generally a fan of that, unless it is followed with lots of comfort and gen cuddles. Plus this journal tends to be my happy place, so I feel loving and gushy when I post here quite often. It's on my fanfic sticky post for a reason.

moonshayde made this just for me for my JacknDean 'verse. Isn't it awesome? ♥ I asked for similar poses, and I just love this. They look so strong and solid together, all, "Yeah, that's right, we are snarky badass alien/ghost fighters who like guns and knives and pie.... You wanna make something of it?"

I really like this shot of Sam and Dean together, and I like the way this icon is cropped and colored. It's good for brotherly togetherness-type stuff, especially earlier seasons, when things were a tiny bit simpler.

I realized, with some dismay, that I did not have a SINGLE female character icon. D: I really like this one. It speaks to the core of young Mary, and also relates to a lot of other female characters I love.

Uh, because Great Big Sea is my favoritest Celtic/Folk Rock band ever in the history of ever. I couldn't find any icons for them, so I made this (rather basic one) myself with GIMP and a promo shot from their website. It works for me. They look very cool.

nomadicwriter makes the BEST icons. Last time she offered an icon request post and said that she could do some from the first season of Supernatural, I was ALL OVER THAT. She made three for me, this one, the "John W: Cold-hearted bastard" one, and the Sam one with "My brain hurts." I think they're all super awesome. I just wish nomad was an SPN fan, so we could get more awesome icons like this.

Huh, you know, I don't think I've EVER used this one. I guess my interest in Merlin was more short-lived than I thought it'd be. I read and commented on a few fics, but now, I dunno. They all seem kinda the same. And even though there is absolutely no way I can deny the slashiness (it is a gay, gay little show), I still don't really enjoy reading it very much, which can be a problem.

Well, that was kinda a downer note to end it on. Still. ICON LOVE! ♥


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