Jun 04, 2008 18:59
About half my coworkers are Australian, there are a couple of South Africans, and of course English people.
One of our favourite lunchtime conversations is debating the different words we use in our cultures for essentially the same thing. I've decided that in order to bring peace to the world, we should compromise and combine some of these words as follows:
Courgette (English, and I assume French) + Zucchini (North American & Australian) = Zugette
Aubergine (English, and I assume French) + Eggplant (North American & Australian) = Eggbergine
Mange toute (English, and I assume French) + Sugar Snap Peas (North American) = Toute snap peas
Gherkins (English) + pickles (North American) = Gherkles
Crisps (English) + chips (North American) = chips. I sorry but crisps is just silly and much too hard to say.
What up with the English using all French words for their vegetables? I think I like Gherkles the best. I shall think of more of these amusing new words!