Hmm... Drunk & Stupid II: Electric Bugaloo.

May 26, 2008 05:21

I just realized how Debbie-Downer my last entry was, so let me resolve it. It did read badly.

Camden was really cool, actually. I got these eyeglass frames that pretty much look like the ones I wear... except they're little and a hair barrett. I like the clothes they have there, but I didn't really find anything in particular that struck my eye, though I know that these types of markets are sometimes hit or miss. Though now that I think about it, I think I saw some pretty awesome jewelry that I'd meant to buy, but completely forgot about. See, that's how I control my shopping. If I'm still thinking about it later on, that means I will probably get it. And I rarely get that feeling. I would look at something, and the guy would say it was £30 and I would think, Would I really want to pay £15 for this? (It's definitely one of those places where you'd bargain.) This one guy kept talking me down on a belt buckle, but I really didn't even want it. But I did buy a few crappy touristy things for my family at home. They eat that stuff up. Everyone else really just asked for Cadbury's and other chocolate you can't find at home.

Then we went off to Harrod's, a really intense shopping experience. It's so crowded, and I can only imagine what it looks like during the Christmas season. Bought a couple of things, but then I realized I was so overwhelmed that I forgot to pick up a couple of other things. I hate it when stores are like that. It's like one of those places you have to bring a list to.

So Nick and I took a break, and we each took naps. I napped for about 10 minutes and realized, What the hell am I doing in here? I should be out walking or something! So I set out to go to HMV because I wanted to get The Mighty Boosh on DVD. They were closed by the time I got there, so I went to Sainsbury's for candy and cookies for the family.

Then Nick and I met up again for dinner at this place called Eat and Two Veg, which is a vegetarian restaurant. The food wasn't bad, though it was the first place that I've seen tofu on a menu. Everyone's been saying that I wouldn't be able to find a decent salad around here... that seems pretty true.

So we walked down the street looking for a place to get a drink and stopped at this one pub with a bunch of Swedish people drinking and singing outside. We stopped in for a couple of pints, and then who should happen to walk by but Leo and his friends. Leo bid his friends adieu and then had a couple of drinks with us... and then I got drunk and stupid and clumsy. We shimmied a little (Leo naturally shimmies when cold) and then went home. YAY!
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