Johnny Crash

May 23, 2008 16:08

A 'johnny crash' is a particular type of block in Roller Derby which is incredibly effective.

You change direction suddenly in front of the person you are blocking, and you are aiming to get them right in the chest with your shoulder. The idea is that you hit them right in the spot which will wind them and take them out, but using their own velocity and momentum as the force of the hit.

This move works best on jammers who are just about to enter a pack, or are trying to pass the pack on the outside, and so are likely to be going really very fast.

My first experience with a Johnny Crash was a few weeks ago, when N-Emma-Sis, who was still learning the move, decided to experiment on me while I was jamming. As a rookie, I tend to only jam in basic-level or newbie scrimmages, so we aren't always prepared for really heavy hits. N-Emma-Sis is on the travel team and is really bloody good.

So I'm skating as fast as I can, trying to catch up to the back of the pack and then suddenly; BOOM. I'm stationary, I've got lights dancing before my eyes, and I can't breathe. I don't fall, but I do end up dropping to my knees, as there doesn't seem to be any air left in my body. N-Emma-Sis is on her knees apologising - "I thought I'd try it out! I didn't realise it would work!" - the Jam has stopped, I'm wheezing on the floor, tears spring to my eyes as I struggle to breathe again. I crawl back to myteam and gesture for everyone to carry on, trying to convey only in sign language that I'm fine, just completely winded.

Worried eyes look back at me - are you ok?? Are you hurt?? as I manage to splutter out...

that...[gasp]...was...[wheeze]..totally wicked...

There's a video here demonstrating a really effective Johnny Crash. You can't miss it.

In flat track derby, that would probably be called as a penalty, as there's defintely some elbow action there - elbowing is strictly not allowed. I'm constantly getting called for elbows - I 'chicken wing'. This is where you follow through after a legal block with your elbows. It's really hard not to do.

So N-Emma-Sis went back to her team, re-assured I was fine, with the comment "You'll just have to learn it so you can come do it to me sometime!".

There's a challenge...

blocking, johnny crash

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