In contrast to the Johari Window, take the Nohari Window. What are my negative points? Hideehi. How are we all this evening?
I've been woken up at ten to ten (to ten to ten to ten) by my sister and mum, so I decided to get up. We heard a knock at the door and I was wondering if it could possibly be Rachel - she said that she'd come 'round some time in the week. I got up, but there was nobody at the door. Odd, eh? So I went to go get some cereal -- but there were no bowls! How very dare they? So I gave up and just went to the computer again.
I think mum and my sister have gone out now, because she's going to some... thingymajig I know nothing of. I need to have a bath pretty soon though, so I should be getting on with that I suppose. After this update, I will.
Sheesh! I'm so tired. I went to bed after that update I did last night, and that means I barely got 8 hours sleep. Urrrgggh.... I'll have to have an early night tonight. ("Early night" being 11:59pm.)
I'm dragging this update on now. I only wanted to tell you about my Nohari Window! LOL!
Over and out.