How To: Comment On My Journal!

Dec 10, 2006 23:30

Have you been having difficulty commenting on my journal?
Have you ever felt so eager to leave your thoughts on one of my entries, but never been able to beat the dreaded layouts of LJ?

Fear not, mortal!

Here is a simple step-by-step guide of avoiding the unthinkable.. being forced to keep one's mouth shut!
Of course, this isn't always the case. 60% of the time, the "Leave a comment" button is quite clearly in view, but for the remaining 40% of the time you know you'll be needing this guide.
To work around this problem, I (along with the help of my good friend Myskallic) have been able to present to you "How to: Comment on my journal"!

Step 1: Recognising the Problem
So, before you spend a couple valuable minutes of your life reading this tutorial to understand how you can overcome this obstacle, you'll want to know that there is in fact an obstacle to overcome!

Source 1

Source 2As these two examples clearly show, one cannot find the "leave a comment" or the "publish comment" options. Woe betide! Livejournal should really think about the placing of those ads a little more carefully. But since they haven't, I'm able to provide you with a one-way ticket to Happyland.

Step 2: Overcoming the Awkward
As seen in source 1, oftentimes the only remedy of this comment catastrophe known to man is to add me as a friend. There are absolutely no other ways that you can get by this disaster, unless you friend me! You know you'll be missing out if you don't, so save the trauma and sleepless nights where you're unable to speak your mind, and take a teeny two minutes of your time to dedicate to friending yours truly. You know you won't regret it! My friend sorta kinda suggested that you could watch me if you wanted, but you'd prefer to get in on the action, right? Friend me today!
Now that you have me in your friends list (or perhaps you prefer just to watch, but hey! I'm satisfied baby), simply go to your friends page and at the end of the entry you will be able to comment with ease! Really - it's that simple! Have no fear in your actions; take a confident stride; do it for your family, your loved ones and most importantly - do it for me yourself.

Step 3: The Wrongs Of Replying
If you feel overly-compelled to respond to that evocative exegesis already elicited by another user, then you may find yourself simply dazed by the omission of your only option of oration. Or, in simpleton terms, sometimes when you go to reply the "Publish Comment" button is hidden (source 2). Now, this step is more difficult to overcome than Step 2 - this time, one must enter their desired discussion into the textfield provided, and then when finished (now, pay close attention here!)

[/shameless self-plug]
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