Spider-Man mug...

May 14, 2008 19:13

It's been a bit.

I finally got a place down here in Tampa. I have 2 other roomates ben and jay, both fun to hang with. The place is an attic appartment with a huge living room and i even have my own room that isn't the size of a closet...hahah eastside...

But for the first time ever i almost burned down a house. I fell asleep with a candle lit and my pillow fell and started the fire. so at about 4ish in the morning i wake up to 4 feet of flames about 3 feet from my head. I kept cool and grabbed my towels ran to the bathroom and doused them. I got the fire out at least. but there is a huge burn mark in the carpet. oh well, we're all safe.

School is finally done and i feel great. I did pretty well this semester minus the bitch that was my english professor. damn her and her by the book MLA formats. I'm just glad i will never have to see her again as long as i live muwahahhaha!!! But as of right this minute i took a break from painting on my dresser to sip on weed tea in my spiderman mug. It's a good thing i save all my bones. It should be fun when it gets digested. HOoray!!!

Well I miss you all very much.

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