001. name: sarah
002. nicknames : saa, sar, sars
003. sex : girl
004. birthday : april 9th
005. age : fifteen
006. star sign : who cares
007. place of birth : some hospital
008. current residence: my house
009. hair colour : brown(ish)
010. eye color : green
011. height : 5'2"
012. writing hand : right
013. do you bite your nails : no
014. can you roll your tongue : yes
016. can you raise one eyebrow at a time : yeah
017. can you blow smoke rings: nothanks
018. can you blow spit bubbles : haha probably
019. can you cross your eyes: oh yes
020. colored hair: no
021. tattoos and where : no (but i want to see your new ones jorden)
022. piercing and where: ears
023. do you make your bed daily : nope
024. what goes on first bra or underwear : underwear
025. which shoe goes on first : whichever is closest
036. speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone : yes HAHAH AND SHE WAS LIKE ON THE VERGE OF TEARS
037. how much money is usually in your wallet? : none, or like dimes
038. what jewelry do you wear 24/7 : earrings, ring
039. whats sexiest on a guy : sense of humor, tight pants, cute hair
040. whats sexiest on a girl : you
041. would you rather be on time and look ok or late and look great : haha
042. do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it : twirl
043. how many cereals are in your cabinet : 3 but they're all the same; chocolate something or other
044. what utensils do you use eating pizza : my hands?
045. do you cook : when i'm in the mood
046. how often do you brush your teeth : everyday, twice
047. how often do you shower/bathe : everyday. excpet on saturday unless i have plans haha
048. how long do these showers last : about 15 minutes
049. hair drying method : towel, air, blow
050. do you paint your nails : yes
051. do you swear : occasionally
052. do you mumble to yourself : maybe
053. do you spit in public : no
054. do you pee in the shower: um not since i was like 8
055. whats in your cd player against me! as the eternal cowboy
056. person you talk most on the phone with : ashley
057. what color is your bedroom : light yellow
058. do you use an alarm clock : lately yeah
059. name one thing or person you're obsessed with: hilary duff
060. have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex : nope
061. ever sunbathed in the nude: no
062. window seat or aisle : windowww
063. whats your sleeping position: side with my hand under my head
064. what kind of bed do you like : comfy
065. in hot weather do you use a blanket : yes
066. do you snore : no
067. do you sleepwalk : i have
068 do you talk in your sleep : yes and i sit up and stare into space too haha alyssa
069. do you sleep with a stuffed animal : yes
070. how about the light on : no way
071. do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on : no
When was the last time you...
072. had sex : never
073. were kissed: over a year ago. AWESOME
074. watched bambi: a million years ago
075. cried : last night
076. talked on the phone : today
077. read a book : last night
078. punched someone : i dunno
079. is music important to you : yes
080. do you sing? : haha yeah
081. what instruments do you play? i CAN play the piano but i don't play anything
082. what do you think of Eminem : eh
083. pop music : hilary duff
084. rock music :
085. punk music :
086. rap music :
087. hip-Hop/RB :
088. country
089. jazz :
090. classical :
091. new age :
092. what is one band/singer you like that no one has heard of? none of my friends have heard of bane (AND JORDEN I KNOW HOW DAVID BOWIE IS K?)
093. your words :
10 bands you've been listening a lot to lately:
1) against me!
2) alkaline trio
3) rilo kiley
4) defiance, ohio
5) death cab for cutie
6) hilary duff
7) bane
8) fall out boy
9) brand new
10) ozma
09 things you look forward to:
1) christmas
2) driving
3) against me!
4) paris
5) hanging out with john
6) everwood
7) the 3 classes i have with justine haha
8) summer
9) going to bed so i can read
8 things you like to wear:
2) t-shirts
3) zip-ups
4) pearberry
5) sneakers
6) a smile (aww jordface)
7) mascara
8) hot pink nail polish
07 things that annoy you:
1) when people try to hard
2) stepping in something wet when you're wearing socks
3) when people ALWAYS refer to their girlfriend as their girlfriend rather than calling her by her name once in a while
4) on saturday nights this radio station turns all of the songs into dance remixes
5) "i know something you don't know"
6) my runny nose right now
7) jennifer lopez
06 things you say most days:
1) awesome
2) that's rediculous
3) whatev
4) arite
5) oh man
6) hellooooo dahling
05 things you do everyday:
1) walk
2) drink water
3) listen to music
4) sleep
5) go on-line :\
04 people you want to spend more time with:
1) jacs/alyssa/amanda
2) just and meg
3) johnny
03 movies you could watch over and over again:
1) bring it on
2) joe dirt
3) mission impossible 2
02 of your favorite songs at the moment:
1) against me - you look like i need a drink
2) rilo kiley - jenny, you're barely alive
01 person you could spend the rest of your life with:
1) hmm since i'm not married...LISSY