*~*they cant make me gooo bakk ther*~*

Apr 18, 2004 14:00

a swear am not NOT NOT going bakk 2 skooliess
a havnt dun
*** food coursework (speaks 4 its self really)
*** business coursework conclusion (eeeksss mr fenwick= scareee bt hmm me thinks wel b gettin mr ross HELLS YEHSS)
*** 5 maths revision tests (nd am sure they is multiplying at nite :os)
*** 7 THATS RIGHT 7 physics tests (kill me now)
*** 2 chemisty tests (arghhhhhh)
*** learn german oral presentation, with questions, 2 roleplays AND conversation questions

yup thats rite nd as they is all 4 2mro nd its already like 3 30 nd a havnt dun any thats me pretty much deadeddeddd
booo :o(
i refuse 2go bak
nd am trying 2 persuade ruth 2 send me her business *fingers crossed* ohh plzz god make her send it
a think she mite :o) so thats business sorted
a dnt think food wil b 2 hard a mite start that l8rss 2nite
am guna fail german bt am attempting 2 learn that nowss :os
woop woop
nd am not doing physics tests til wednesday hehe
nd we didnt get ne biology *thank god*
so av jst got 2 do maths (in pastoral hehe) nd chemisty (damn)
ohh well am dead either way cos a dnt know german *eeekss*

wel last nite ma net broke agen so a jst thort fuk it nd went upstairs nd watchd buffy while sitting on ma window sill with ma door lokd candles on light off nd a sat drinking ma mams vodka a hope she dusnt notice hehe nd a gots very drunkyy nd woke up stil drunk nd spinningg its kinda waring off now tho bt now the headaches setting in arghhh

nd easters now offically ova as ive finishd ma last easter egg
so now am staring ma whole operation loose weight agen grrr :o(
am only 7 stone nowss :oD bt that stil aint enuf i dont think
so a bit longer with lack ov food nd throwing up ohh yehss am lukin 4ward 2 it lol

nd ruth was being a meanie shes taking advantage ov me nd ma denseness nd shes being all i have goss bt not 4u nd then she made me beg nd now shes being all wel maybe maybe not bt shes organised wandrings which suggests goss which has left me feeling rather mind boggled ?????

am kinda wollowing aswel cos 2days ma last day ov doing nothing nd a spose av actually got 2 do sum workiess sum time grrr bt wel see how it goes lol bt a cant wait 2c evry1 agen me thinks if a can get up al get da early bus so a can have a date with evry1 in da dining room wel we'l see how that goes lmao hahahaa
nd me nd ruth have already got our 1st wander ov skoolies sorted out usual morning pastoral walkies up nd down the main corridor awww a loooveee it :oD

nd me thinks am guna plait ma hair so it goes al wavyyy 4 skoolies so av sent mammy out 4 some mousse a bet ya she cums bak with evrything except it :o( ohh wel al have 2use hair spray nd ma hair wil frizz bt wot ya guna dooo?? :o)

boooo ma bruvas are bakk with 1 ov ma cousins a 4got how loud it is with em theyv been away a week nd a got used 2da quietness *gutter* wel off 2 workiess


much love
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