i have no idea what's on my mind so..

May 20, 2007 00:13

i never write.  i never have anything to write about.  that's a complete lie.  i will always have something to write about, i just never get around to writing it.  or doing anything else, for that matter.  it seems like there is never enough time to do the things i want to do.  and then, when i'm sitting at home, watching The Real World and complaining about boredom, not a single production comes to mind.  i'd like to:
start/finish HP6
apply at M.A.C
pray about hygiene school
shave my legs
call the people i miss
pick up my rainbows
spend time with my parents
buy my dog a toy he doesn't already have
get a tan
pay more attention
go to sleep on time
wash my scrubs
yoga ball
visit alyx in orlando
smile at people i don't know
take more pictures
do something crafty
do something outrageous
do something charitable
buuuut, instead i will most likely sit here for another hour or so.  or maybe i'll decide right now that tomorrow i will make time to do the things i want to do and be the person i want to be.   tangent #5: let me be a momentary sap by saying i get chill bumps every time i see the Liberty Mutual commercials.  it's just an advertisement. it's doing exactly what it's supposed to do.  but i think i'll go glass half full on this one and say it has probably made at least a smallish difference in some people, if even for a day.
side note: seeing as i'm on the subject, (kind of..) i honestly believe that Juan Mann is an angel.
let's all live the Free Hugs lifestyle.
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