2014 NaBloPoMo: Thursday Nov 20

Nov 21, 2014 00:08

Hubby's coming home tomorrow.  I loaded the dishwasher all higglety-pigglety again, probably for the last time in a long while.  My main question is how did I manage to make so many dishes dirty in just a few days?  Mysteries abound.
Buffalo has many awesome parks. buildings, and cultural venues.  They also have alllllllllllllllllllllll the snow. I do not evny them this one bit.
And people think Canadians are dull:

Toronto streetcar sex involved 3 people, police say

The Ford Effect, I say.
I haven't watched a full episode of Saturday Night Live, in, oh, 15 years?  But for this I might, even if it's only to see how many times Martin Freeman swears during the live broadcast.  (Also, who is Charli XCX??)
The Duchess of Alba died.  Just because you CAN have plastic surgery doesn't mean your SHOULD have plastic surgery.
Today's topic:

Do you have a book in you?

If you took all the fic I've written and stuck it between covers, I think there's enough there to constitute a book, so yes.  Another book? Something original?  Not yet. Or bloody likely.

Fact or fiction?

Fiction.  If I had to write a factual book (or do I mean non-fiction?  Hmm...) it would probably be of the "101 Things to do with Googly Eyes, Silly String, and a Pound of Soft Cheese" or "How to Attract Wild Animals to Your Yard (and Then Have Them Move Into You Attic, Causing Thousands of Dollars of Damage in the Process.)"

Publishers, feel free to contact me.

These would make my annual Gingerbread Kryceks all the more awesome:

x_files, nablopomo_2014, martin_f, x-mas, fanishness

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