2014 NaBloPoMo: Friday Nov. 14

Nov 14, 2014 21:00

'Tis the season!

First Festive Special of the year done and dusted!  Bring on the holidays!


Remember the Paris 8 sqm apartment from the other day?  I think this place might be hard to live in too, but for very different reasons.

<---------------Click it!

How about you?  The sort of place you'd enjoy living in, or not?

(It has its charms.  The setting seems lovely.  And I do like the repainted stove. Beyond that?  Um...  )


My husband and I trade magazines with his parents. My MIL sent me the March 2014 issue of Food Network Magazine, which contains, among other things, this recipe:

Bacon Shortcakes with Peanut Butter Whipped Cream

I don't think they're joking...

Your kinda thing?  I still haven't decided.  But the idea of peanut butter whipped cream is not without its appeal.


Today's topic:

Do you enjoy growing old or do you fight against it?

Allow me to take a third position.  I don't enjoy it at all, but so far it beats the alternative. But fighting it is pointless. And it's a battle you cannot win. Humans are built to last about 35 years - everything after that is gravy.  Treat it as such.

Woo hoo! The weekend!  Bet there'll be yard work!


recipes, nablopomo_2014, architecture p0rn, deeply deep stuff

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