2014 NaBloPoMo: Sunday Nov 9

Nov 09, 2014 21:41


A topic! A topic! My kingdom for a topic!!!

We had nice weather for about an hour, so I cut back the herb garden - mint, lemon balm, thai basil, parsley, lemon grass, lavender. It smelled amazing.

I was at the thrift store yesterday and bought a $1 book called The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir Who Got Trapped in an Ikea Wardrobe. I have no idea what it's REALLY about, but with a title like that? I'm only human.

I want these. I just do!

Have you seen this? (Click it!):


It's stunning.

Tomorrow there will be a topic! (One that doesn't look too promising, but, well, such is life.) At this rate, I'll have to adopt a cat.

geekery, nablopomo_2014, poppies

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