:/ And here is my contribution to the Beast/B2st fandom.
Title: Time Changes
mayawelstead Pairing: Junhyung/Hyunseung and G-Dragon/Hyunseung
Rating: R/NC-17
Word Count: 1830
Note: Prompt by
lackofsound . She told me: "Hyunseung/Junhyung. Plus GD. HS's old lover and his new one! :D" and somehow it ends up 1830 words when I was trying to drabble. Enjoy!
also I think this may possibly be the greatest image ever: "He thought the message had reached when Junhyung's forehead rested against his and he got a close view of Junhyung's relieved expression; eyes closed and breathing calming alongside his own. They stayed there for long moments; Hyunseung's hands sliding further down Junghyung's arms to twine fingers together on his own shoulders." *_* ♥
I am glad you liked it so much! ♥ Do I sense some kind of "This one was totally awesome which indicates that you should write this for me now!" coming on? Just felt I should make sure...
I would never pressure you to write things for me. :D
Never ever! I swear! I am far too nice to do such a thing.
...uh-huh. Can you just see my raised eyebrow? xD
ALSO: "Jiyong took thrill in getting caught (much to Hyunseung's embarrassment when they were caught by each of their band mates in turn)" that should be it's own fic, ok.
I WILL NOT. xD You'll just have to imagine it. I don't want to write BB... :S I'm not sure why.
that is kinda weird that you don't want to write them.
I think it may be because I don't really like anyone other than TOP and GD... I got turned off Daesung and Seungri by the Intimate Note episode (somehow) and I never really liked Taeyang... :S Idk. I'm trying to avoid GD at the moment too, since I actually think his Breathe scandal thing was kinda stupid. I don't think it was all his fault and I definitely don't think he should go to jail for it and all, but it's just... Why would he feel the need to put sex in there anyway? The MV was so ~cute and innocent even if you knew there was a whole heap of metaphor going on and it was obviously themed around sex. D:<< It just annoys me that it was so unnecessary and now he's paying for it. Plus I don't think I'd be able to cope with another favourite leaving right now. ;_;
hmm. maybe because he's a guy? and a ~dumb blonde~~ oh wait, not anymore, shame.
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