A message to my Canadian pals

May 24, 2008 08:08

We're just about at the end of May...Lyme Awareness Month. I've talked some of our daughter's struggle with this disease...and how there's a political battle over the treatment of Lyme. As bad as it is down here...you guys have it worse because, whether someone gets the coverage for treatment is based ONLY on the absolute worst test out there...up to 85% false negatives!

The BC Medical Board forced your best (and I mean BEST)Lyme-literate doc, Dr. Ernie Murakami, to retire...though he still tirelessly advocates, he can no longer treat. He was the doc who saved my daughter's life in 2001...the only payment he ever mentioned was that she someday be able to give a grandchild for him to delight in.

Please keep reading behind the cut...please.

This video is about Marie...a young girl who is so sick with Lyme...and has been denied any treatment, due to a negative blood test...when you see her and know that Infectious Disease docs just sent her home to die...I hope like hell it makes you angry. Understand...Ontario has some of the most endemic areas for Lyme...because of the migrating birds coming through Conn. and NY...straight up to you guys. Check yourselves when you come in from the outdoors...tuck socks into pants when in the woods...and check out www.theticktool.com Please start bitching to your gov. officials. Fourteen men in the States have made all the rules...and are making money on top of the graves of people who came asking for help...it's criminal.

CanLyme is trying to get Marie down here...to see Willo's doc...we will help in any way we can...have offered to house Marie and her mum. Please...please be brave enough to watch this video...think about your kids...your grandkids. This is the fastest-growing vector-borne disease IN THE WORLD. Taken care of right after the bite...it's mostly and easy fix...left to become multi-systemic...it's the worst hell you could ever not wish to know. Start rattling the gov. cages...we're not talking out of our hats here....there's research that backs us...only that research is being squashed by those same fourteen docs.

Birds and animals don't know about borders...here we are one Turtle Island.

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