This is the brief story of life of Maya Mandala, the first one who led this sacred practice into the World.
From the very childhood, Maya was living under the impression of the stories of her grandmother, who was healer and very spiritual person. In the other hand there was strong experience of pain that gave understanding of the importance of healing. That was something that initiated observation and deep listening, and meditation naturally came to Maya as the part of her life.
At the age of 18 she began to heal people. It came just itself, with some things happened in Maya's life that initiated this process. Maya went deeply into learning healing practice of different levels: therapy, massage healing, reiki, energy healing. At the same time she discovered fine arts and started to paint. Then she moved to Moscow and entered the Art Department of the Pedagogical Institute.
While educating in the institute Maya got in touch with lama Ole Nidal, and when she came to the meeting, she was invited to the retreat to Namkai Norbu, the enlightened Dzogchen teacher. Since that Dzogchen became for Maya the universal support for all the life.
Subsequently there was a meeting with sufi master Zakhira, and it fullfilled the life with aroma of celebration and unconditional love. Maya studied sufi practice with Zakhira for 13 years and discovered this new quality of dance which she developped with learning more dancing tradition for next 6 years. She studied modern and contemporary dance, contact improvisation, flamenco, tango, traditional african dance. She was participatipating in different events and festivals, studying and performing.
At the same period Maya started to learn tantra with great teachers Surabi, Punit and Anand, who gave the deep and wonderful knowledge about man's and woman's nature.
While travelling around the world for many years, Maya came to India, and this place turned to be the one where all her aknowledge and experience naturally started to transform into teaching people. Maya led the contact improvisation classes, african dance classes, sufi and tantric meditations, at the same time practicing massage and energy healing. And while teaching, gradually she started to realize that there is something in common, something that is in the very base of all the practice she was teaching. And once Maya just saw the opportunity to unite the dance, meditation and healing in the one practice. She call it Mandala Dance. This is dance because the basic form of development is a dance. And this is Mandala because of the universality of the practice that joins together all the traditional knowledge of woman's nature.
And since november of 2007, Maya started to share Mandala Dance with women. It turned to be admirable and exiting experience, that showed the women this possibility to recall the connection to the primordial nature, that heals and opens up the inner potential. Women of different age and different nationalities come to Mandal Dance workshops, and for every woman Mandala Dance opens slightly the very nature of Woman.
At the same time in India Maya met Tahnit, the sister in spiritual path, who started to share this way of Mandala Dance practice together with Maya and participating in teaching and workshops. She came with her own deep experience and practice, that in collaboration with Mandala Dance let this practice to develop into system of workshops and seminars. Since that Maya and Tanhit give wokshops, sharing different practice, like tantra, healing, breathing, Mandala dance, psychology, dancing and many others integrated knowledge of true human's nature.
- The more I dance Mandala and the more I teach, the fuller gets this feeling of necessity to continue learning deeper and deeper into the practice, and to share it with women.