Just finished watching Orthros No Inu. And I ant to say something, I am very bad at watching dramas. I cannot concentrate and it takes me days to finish watching it. If I watch it while doing something else like assignments or studying, it's no problem. It's just I cannot atch it while doing nothing. :(
Anyways Orthros no Inu. First thing first, Nishikido Ryo is H.O.T. Me likes his facial bones. And the way he talks. And I found out that I might actually like pairing Tackey with anyone. Hahah. I've become one of those people who happily pairs a JE idol with anyone. Ngaahahah. I'm too tired to put in screen caps anyways.
Ok, to the spoilers. The story is pretty fast. And the plot isn't too random. Overall, the story shows how people can be desperate and stupid hen they want something badly. And it also shows how dirty politics can be. Just summarizing from the story, not trying to imply anything tnat is happening in real life. about the politics part that is. Tackey's character, Ryuzaki Shinji is very complicated. I think he never lived for himself. He may seem a bad guy in that but his intentions would be clear when we think deeply of his actions. Why he wouldn't cure someone? Why he puts Ryo's character, Ryosuke Aoi, in a bad situation. And so on. I guess deep down, he's actually a nice person. And his life, is about being rebellious and make people realize that you cannot depend on others.
Aoi started to become a lot like Shinji as the story advances. He starts to realize that HE has the power over devil's hand. And not the people around him.
I cried at the part where Their dad died. Ryuaki wanted to cure him, but he refused. And when he didn't tell Ryosuke the reason why he didn't cure him, man, I felt like punching that handsome face. Seriously people, don't keep things to yourself. It hurts!!!! It hurts you, and it hurts the people around you.
I really like the female character, Narisa's daughter, Mio. I like the way she smiles and become so positive to the people around her. I guess kids are really cute. And kids teach adults a lot of things. I guess that's what the story tried to imply. Greed and power, does not make living a heaven. :(
The actors played their part really well. And the storyline wasn't too random. In my opinion. Btw, the last part, I don't really understand why they have to seperate. Come on, you guys are brothers. At least have some contact or something??? >_>
It's for the best I guess. This story definitely has its morals.
And Kame won Best Jeanist!!! Again. With Koda Kumi. And people, I really believe he deserves that award. Look at his legs. Not every guy has legs like him. So cute, and curvy and not too long. Just nice in jeans. :)
And because he's a Jin-ist, we all totally understand.
Congrats to lovely Kame-chan. Hope you get into the Hall of Fame next year... ^^
Btw, SHINee's Ring Ding Dong is sooooo awesome!!! Oh, innocent Onew~ And hot Key!! And awesome vocal cords Jonghyun!!! And flexible Taemin. And Minho.. You're hot too. I just cannot make myself to like you much. ^^; *gets shot by Minho fans* I'm glad I never friended someone fom SHINee's comm.
And try searching Fred on Youtube. Geez, that kid is cute!!!