Title:Movie Nights
Summary: Jin and Kame were doing their routine of watching movies on Saturday nights.
Warning: Kame is a girl. A mother and wife precisely.
Genre: Romance, fluff
Disclaimer:I bet if I said I was Johnny, not a person will believe me, right?
“So, what are we watching tonight?”, Kame asked Jin. They were sitting cosily in the living room for their routine Saturday night movie. Both of them were busy with work. Kame was in charge of her own ballet school which she and Jin built together. Jin inherited his father’s business and was busy with keeping the sales high. Netherless, Saturday night was their own special time. Especially since the birth of their first child, Hayato. Both had been too busy keeping up with work and watching over Hayato that they hadn’t had time for themselves.
Jin came up with the idea: date nights on Fridays and movie nights on Saturdays after Hayato had gone to sleep. That way, they managed to keep their economy stable, yet still enjoy time being together and keep the romance high.
“Hmmm... How about this?”, Jin asked picking up a CD from the rack. The story he chose was a tragic love story.
“Jin~ you know that will make me end up in tears!!! You just like seeing me cry don’t you?”, Kame pouted.
“That’s because you get all cuddly when you cry and always end up sitting on my lap when the movie is over”, Jin smiled knowingly at his wife.
“Not that you don’t cuddle even when you’re watching a comedy!!”, Jin added with a laugh. Kame sure likes to cuddle. Even after a busy day training her ballet students and bearing with Hayato’s tantrums, Kame would still fill in Jin’s every need, which also included a great number of cuddling.
Kame’s pout deepened.
“Well, if you want to watch it that much, go ahead. I’m a bit tired today. Hayato was so hyper in the park! Running here and there.. I might fall asleep watching this actionless story. So I won’t have time to cry.”, Kame said triumphly while sticking out her tongue at Jin like a child would.
Jin just smirked.
“We’ll see”, he thought.
After playing the CD, Jin went back to the couch and sat beside Kame. Kame immediately plastered herself to Jin’s side with one hand playing with Jin’s hand in her lap and the other twirling her own hair with her fingers. Her feet instinctly tangled with Jin’s feet which were dangling of the couch.
“See, you’re already cuddling up to me! And the movie hasn’t even started, dear.. Not that I’m complaining.” Jin said with a small chuckle while silently snaking his free arm around Kame to hold her closer to him.
“Shhh.. Jin. The movie is starting. And don’t make much noise. Hayato’s asleep. I don’t want him to wake up.”, Kame answered covering her blushing cheeks. She nuzzled her cheeks into Jin’s chest and continued twiddling with his fingers on her lap. Jin just smiled at the beautiful woman who’s head was comfortably placed on his chest. He took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of her hair. She always smells like flowers. Eventhough they use the same toiletries, they always smell better on her.
“Hmm.. you smell good..”, Jin commented while his hand started moving around her body reaching for her breasts. Unfortunately, Kame caught his hands in time.
“Uh uh, I smell good cause women always smell good. And stop the hand dance around me, or not I’ll stop cuddling and you get no sex tonight.”, Kame said sadisticly with a smirk playing around her lips.
Jin pouted and just settled with holding her close. They’ve been together for five years already but this woman never fails in intoxicating his senses. They continued to watch the movie together in silence with Kame’s occasional complaints on Jin’s roaming hands.
An hour into the movie, Kame’s cheeks were already wet. She had her face nuzzling into Jin’s chest, drying her cheeks at the same time. Jin just smiled and pulled her so that she was sitting on his lap. She sure was light. Being a ballet dancer, she didn’t have much fat on her, except her breast and butt which Jin loved so much. My curvy slim wife he sometimes called her. Jin just held her close, kissing her forehead.
“I guess I have to change my shirt after this. You always mistake my chest for a tissue.”, Jin said with a smirk.
“Your fault. You chose the movie.”, Kame’s sobbing reply was heard against his chest.
They continued sitting cosily like that. Jin’s hand was again exploring her body and Kame was still sobbingly complaining.
Half an hour before the moie ended, they suddenly heard a child’s voice behind them.
“Mommy. I’m scared..”.
Kame looked away from the screen and saw Hayato standing beside the couch clutching his blanket. Kame immediately jumped of Jin and went to Hayato. Hayato held his hands up indicating for Kame to pick him up. He snuggled his face into her neck and felt content at the feel of his mother. He felt safe after the bad dream.
Kame continued to hold Hayato while watching the movie with Jin sitting next to her. Instead of watching the movie, Jin’s gaze fell on his wife and son. He continued to look at the cute little boy who was snuggled comfortably on his wife’s chest, sleeping. And the beautiful woman was still silently crying, watching the movie.
Jin moved closer to Kame and circled his arm around her shoulders. However, his gaze was still on Kame and Hayato. Kame felt the lingering gaze on her and turned to Jin with a raised eyebrow.
“You’ve had five years of watching me and a whole lifetime to come. You’re watching this movie for only one night. Better watch it good.”, she said sarcasticly. The picture was somehow funny. A sobbing woman with a toddler sleeping against her chest, teasing him sarcasticly. He chuckled and nodded but didn’t avert his gaze from them. Kame just left him to it and continued watching the movie.
When the movie ended, Kame was still holding Hayato in her arms and wiping her tears on Jin’s chest.
“Why were you gazing at me and Hayato instead of watching the movie?”, Kame asked him.
Jin’s expression was somehow amused.
“I was thinking, you were complaining about me touching you all over. Then this miniature human who looks like me came, and you happily let him snuggle against your breast. Somehow, I’m jealous at my own son!”, Jin answered with a laugh.
“It’s weird, a little boy who looks like me, snuggling against my wife!”, Jin added with a laugh.
Kame’s sobbing had stopped completely and she was laughing silently, not wanting to wake her son.
“You and your unique thinking!! That’s why I love you so much..” Kame said in a whisper and pulled Jin down for a chaste kiss.
Jin carefully scooped Hayato out of her lap and tucked him into bed. He went back to Kame who was closing the TV.
“Okay, my turn for your attention.”, Jin said happily. Kame just smiled and took his hands, pulling him towards their bedroom.
A/N: I got this idea from my brother. Hahaha.. He was watching his wife and son. And the words Jin used were his exact words. Hope you enjoyed!! Comments are highly appreciated. And I wish you all a Happy New Year!! Happy 2009.. XD And I hope 2008 was an enjoyable and fruitful year for all of us..