We live in a neighborhood where we commonly get groups of thieves walking through in the middle of the night (with a car following them) and stealing whatever they can grab so it’s important to lock everything up.
My dad is constantly forgetting to close the garage door
So I put a Ring camera in the garage. It lets me know if there’s movement in there, and I can check anytime I want to see if the door is open.
The problem is my overworked, stressed brain forgets shit, so after he’s been out there for a while, I forget to check the cameras.
The garage camera alerted me to motion at 8:45am today but thankfully it was just somebody walking their dog.
That means the door was open for 12 hours 😠
I didn’t have kids because I didn’t wanna put up with shit like this BUT life is cyclical and it’s driving me crazy.
I feel like I’m running around after 3-year-olds.
- they dress in hideously unmatched and dirty things
- they piss/shit themselves
- they’re SUPER picky eaters
- they’re constantly falling/injuring themselves
- they fall asleep anywhere in any position
- they’re super stubborn and moody
- they’ll tell the same story 8 million times
- they can’t tell jokes bc they can’t remember how they go but they try anyway
- EVERYTHING. they. do. takes. forever.
- they won’t clean anything
I’m just glad my old farts can still bathe themselves. I just gotta remind them to do it.