Le squee.

Oct 12, 2004 17:57

October 12, 1998

Six years ago today, Matthew Shepard was murdered for being homosexual.

What will you do to end the silence?

Click here to post this on your own page or weblog

R.I.P. :(

Edit: I might have the date slightly wrong, but I'm posting this anyway. Represent.


Oh Lawdy, I've finally done it!

I've finally completed a Photo-manipulation that's actually worth whoring off.

Pictured - Richard Kruspe of Rammstein
Lyrics - Beloved by VNV Nation

Suggestions are welcome also.

I had originally started it in yearbook class to kill some time, as I had a couple of Rammstein and miscelleneous pics saved onto the hard drive. Before I got much done, Sara basically ruined the mood by calling Reesch ugly. I have a bad habit of getting offended easily, so I just saved what I had and uploaded it to Photobucket. Um, people do look a little weird when they're cackling, thanks and I didn't have the serious pic of him yet... so, uh? I really don't understand people, but you really can't expect much common sense from an ICP fan. Hah. (I like ICP. Their fans are just retarded.)

During Illustrative Art, inspired by a discussion about antagonists, I resurrected an old character from a year or so back. Dr. Klaus Krystelnacht, your typical "crazy sonuvabitch" evil doctor type. I'll scan and color the mofo at a later time. For now, I just chill and make a couple new icons for myself.

I want to see Team America so bad. Hah!
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