Dec 14, 2008 14:00
I find it ironic that while I am HAPPY here living my life and contently not involved in a relationship with anyone that both my bigtime ex's are blissfully invovled & feel it's their duty to 'inform' me of such couplings.
Now I don't mind that John, Sev's dad & my ex-husband, has told me of his upcoming January nuptuals in Jamaica. Infact, I adore his bride-to-be ~Heather~ and would probably be friends with her outside of each of us being connected to him. It's just that he isn't/wasn't brave enough to tell my daughter these facts and she learned of their engagement on myspace of all places! I just wish he wasn't such a "father of conveinience" and~ well~stronger in character!
On to the "other" one... DanielXavier's 'dad' (and I do use this term loosely!)~Danny Jo.
ACCK! If I could only time travel~I would go back to August 17, 1979 and break up with his spineless ass and relive my whole life! *Sigh* just the possibility of it makes me giddy! Aside from "sperm donation"~this human being's contribution to the world is worthless. He was a poor little rich kid who I tried to show the world to but he was content in remaining stagnent and acquiring a taste for drug addiction which nearly killed me in the process. Thank the Universe that I was strong enough to pull me and my son outta that mess. Unfortunately, later in life it was he who turned my son onto hard drugs at age 14 or 15. Long story short~this fuck was NEVER formally charged or punished because of his fat daddy's money and we suffered financially because he ALWAYS had an excuse not to pay child support or more importantly~be a stand up dad.
Today this 'old man' (hehe sweet revenge of time! this old drug addict looks older than he should!) still hits the pipe, has no real job other than riding on his family's back, no car and lives in a little shack in shanty town that his dad pays for! Now he's *FOUND* his highschool girlfriend and "it's true love just like when they were 14 and 15"! I couldn't stop laughing when this asshat called me up to gush all of this at me! He actually had the audacity to tell me that he always loved her but wanted me to know that he loved me when I had the baby!!!!! JESUS CHRIST WITH A BLOODY RUBBER CRUTCH!!!! He was talking to me like there was something still going on between us and just recently had this baby~well the "baby" in question is 27 and I dated other people & married someone else waaaay after I left his ass in the cold when I was 21 !!!!! When I FINALLY could control my laughter outburst~I told him not to worry! He was suffering from a MIDLIFE CRISIS!!!! Too bad his chick is too stupid with HER midlife delusions to realize she is about to make a BAD mistake. She's about to let him move into HER St. Louis home with HER 3 kids. I guess you should be careful what you wish for because it's about to come true! I bid you Welcome to the world of a loser crack addict, Honey. Enjoy your ride! I just pray your children come out of this ok~unlike my son's adolescent experience.
So this leaves me with 2 for 2 against me on the weak-willed-man-close-to-my-age front. No wonder I choose to walk alone or date younger straight edge men!!! Vegan or vegetarian preferred~and THAT in itself isn't too shabby ;p