Jan 06, 2005 18:42
Name - Maya
Occupation - Student
Location - Milford, CT
Stats - single
Sign - Tauras
eye color- greenish brown
hair color- brown
height- 4'6"
shoe size- 1
piercings- yup
where?- ears
tattoos- nope
-->Name on birth certificate? Maya Rose Brandman
-->Nicknames? shorty, lil m, lysol, herny, peanut, dummer
-->Where do you live? ..in house?
-->Where have you lived? only Milford
-->Where would you like to live? Hollywood !!
-->Do you think you're attractive? it depends
-->Do others find you attractive? idk
-->What do you think is your best feature? my butt acrodding to jenna lol
-->What do you think is your worst feature? i have no top lip :(
-->Do you like your personality? i guess so
-->Do others like your personality? idk
-->Do you think your funny? sometimes
-->Do others think your funny? sometimes
-->Do you like your family? kinda..
-->Do they like you? i think so..
[Have you ever]
-->Had a serious illness? no
-->Been happy about someones death? no
-->Killed an animal? not purposly..
-->Been sexually attracted to a cartoon character? uhh no?
-->Caused a riot? dunno
-->Taken part in a riot? dunno
-->Eaten a bug? yucky !!
-->Been on stage? yup
-->Joined a gang? nope
-->Been mentally disturbed? uh idk
-->Smoked? nope
-->Drank? yes
-->Stolen? nope
-->Used someone? no
-->Wished to die? not that i no of
-->Streaked? .. maybe.. hah
-->Stalked someone online? yes =]
-->Had a sexual fantasy? no
-->Taken pills? yea
[For a billion dollars would you]
-->Kill your parents? nope
-->Eat an ant farm? hah no
-->Have same gender sex? ewwy no
-->Kill your best friend? nope
-->Hold up a convenience store? no
-->Shoot yourself in the leg? no
-->Eat another person? no
-->Jump off a building? depends wuts at the bottem
-->Walk naked in a mall? hah yes
-->Shave your head? no
-->Drink human blood? no
-->Box with a kangaroo? no that would be scary
-->Kill the president? sure
-->Slap an old person? uhh if they had an attidude lol
-->Eat your own vomit? no
-->Eat a booger? for a billion dollars?! idk hah
[Out of my friends, who is the]
-->Loudest? jess m.
-->Quietest? grace
-->Smartest? kerri
-->Dumbest? soo thats how its spelt! lol jenna..im probably the dumbest tho lol
-->Cutest? jenna
-->Funniest? taylor
-->Skinniest? grace and taylor
-->Most Fashionable? i dunno..
-->Most Optimistic? whats that mean
-->Most Pessimistic? dont know what that means either
-->Most Trustworthy? jenna
-->Least Trustworthy? too many to say
-->Most Honest? taylor
-->Least Honest? also too many to say
-->Best for advice? jenna.. cuz were natural helpers !! ;)
-->Worst for advice? no one really
-->Most likely to become gay? idk
-->Become famous? taylor
-->Become a murderer? dunno
-->Commit suicide? idk
-->Go mentally insane? hah jenna.. jk
-->Who would you trust with your life? hah definatly not jenna !! jk
[My Favorite]
-->Letter? i
-->Color? pink !!
-->Number? 2
-->Word? laughing lol
-->Phrase? yucky
-->Movie? Bing it On
-->Musician? Ashlee Simpson
-->Shape? a sqaure lol
-->Person? Paris Hilton
-->Relative? dont like any of them
-->Old Song? dont know
-->New Song? 1,2 step.
-->Channel? 188
-->Parent? dad
-->Season? summer
-->Sport? cheerleading
[Last person you]
-->Kissed? ricky
-->Hugged? jenna or kerri
-->Licked? hah no one
-->Punched? probbaly jenna lol
-->Loved? ricky
-->Liked? ..
-->Hated? not saying
-->Gave the finger to? umm..
-->Cried with? my mom wen i was cutting onions for dinner =]
-->Talked with? Mommy jenna and kerri
-->Ate with? jenna and kerri
-->Hung out with? jenna and kerri
-->Sung with? jenna and kerri