Mar 18, 2014 14:17


How is everything going, everyone? :)

For me...I started the part-time job and got first payment, which..oh goes to NEWD 10th anniversary DVD and manga based on Shige's novel. I wanted to buy his novels too, but I'll keep it for later :( Until I improve kanji!! :D

Teaching chess :DDD I have two groups of 10 or 7 children, but it's exhausting :D I mean..it gives me power but at the same time it makes me really tired :D But I love it, it's fun, but 45 minutes for a lesson is really a short amount of time. I don't usually end in time. It's because I'm used to teach for 2 hours with breaks so... 45 minutes are not enough. But fun!

Aaand :D I tried to apply for AIESEC with my flatmate. He actually persuaded me into it. But unfortunately he wasn't accepted :(
I discovered the news just today, that I passed their selection, so I'm happy but there's kind of inner conflict in me, because my friend didn't get in.

AIESEC is ain international student organisation that creates various interships, job offers and works with companies etc. to connect students together? You don'T get paid for your work, but it's deinitely a good experience thow to improve your speaking skills, time management etc. It takes quite some time...10 - 12 hours so :D

Their selection procedure was pretty long and you couldn't prepare for it I guess.
Firstly I had to send the application with some info, then there was second round which consisted of 3-hour assessment centre. I was there with 7 girls and we had to work together on solving problems (lol now I'm prepared for all knd of scenarios os if the wolrd was about to end, call us we'll solve it :D) and we were observed by 6 watchers. Just..wow :D Thy wanted to see if we have the skills how to handle the situation, discuss etc.? :D I don't think that I would meet all their standards, since there were people with much better speaking skills, organisation skills etc. :D I'm quite of a tennen nature lately (airhead :D).

LMAO so I was surprised to advance into the third round. That was a 45-min interview about my motivation, life goals, opinion on the society etc... And seems that I passed! Ok! I have to do my best!

Next weekend, there's Let's Prague conference aka meeting of Prague AIESEC members. The newbies will be schooled by veterans, so.. I'm looking forward to it :)

And weekend after the next one there's another one, National conference so...IDK. I'll be busy and it collides with my intership and chess match and everything :D I have to handle it somehow! But it makes me sad that I won't be able to go home.

Hm...I guess that's all for now? :D

Aoh, and two of my friends (independently) told me that they had seen me in TV advertismenet concerning chess twice. WHAT :D
I don't know?! :D I don't think it's me /bc I don't remember to be flmed :D/ but then..how many Vietnamese playing chess we have here? :DD Well, me or not, I find it funny :D


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