They forced me to do this :D

Aug 20, 2011 23:33

Because of kryzyrk16and tezzino :DDD (EDIT: And because of perkyandproud :D)
I went through this twice in two days  three times in three days XD(I was that nice that I didn't copy and paste it :D). SO! EVERYONE! I want to know something about you! :DDD

1. Name:

2. Birthday:

3. Where do you live:

4: What are you studying/What are you working as:

5. What makes you happy:

6. ( Read more... )


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tezzino August 22 2011, 00:04:11 UTC
1. Name: Terese~

2. Birthday: March 8th

3. Where do you live: Sweden, Dalarna (as of Sunday), Falun. :D

4: What are you studying/What are you working as: Will start to study Japanese next week! (it's monday over here atm. Like, 2 in the morning.

5. What makes you happy: WIGS. Fandom-stuff. Sewing.

6. What are you listening to now/have listened to last: Tabiji by Hide-chan

7. What is particularly good/bad about my LJ: I like your random and not-as-random talk. And when we fangirl Bunta together. :D

8. An interesting fact about you: I'm boob-fixated. But that's not a secret. XD

9. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment: Only with wigs, Bunta and Belphegor. :D

10. Favorite place to be: LJ. Oh, a physical place? No idea.

11. Favorite lyric: ...I'm too tired to think about that right now, but I do like the lyrics to Hel's "Den feges lögn". And their song "Mörker".

If my courage totter and my voice won't carry
So join me by my side, we shall join our fyrd
For I burn by a desire but the fire is too weak
We find our strenth together, that give us power for our battles

(from Mörker, translated by me)

12. Best time of the year: Autumn. The colours are so pretty~

13. Weirdest food you like: Noodles with strawberries?

14. Contact info/Tumblr/Twitter: I barely use anything but LJ. XD


1. A film: Rambling Hearts :3 But since Renn's in it... you might've wwatched it already.

2. A book: The Paksenarrion trilogy (if you like fantasy and adventure~)

3. A song: TH.IA - sugao no monologue

4: A band: Nordman


1. Favorite Fandom: Prince of Tennis, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Kamen Rider, Super Sentai.. I can't pick just one.

2. OTP/OT3: Lately... ChitoseBuntaAkaya

3. Icon/Fic Journal: Just made one! :DDDD but it's not done yet, so I'll link later~~


1. One thing you like about me: You are a nice person, and it's fun to talk to you~~

2. Two things you like about yourself: um, my hair? my sewing-skills.

3. Put this in your lj so I can tell you what I think of you? What did you blame me for, again? XD


maya_hayashi August 24 2011, 17:18:29 UTC
Thanks for doing this! :D I'm happywhen I know more about you! :D

"I'm boob-fixated." Lol, do like, thumbs up XDDD

"Noodles with strawberries?" :D Must try next time XDD

Rambling Hearts, I know about it. Renn-chan there's, indeed. But it's a romance D: XDD (With some girl..uh, if it was a guy..:DDD) *jealous* I just probably won't watch it XD That girl was born at the same day as me, just few years sooner, bitch xD /no, no offense against her, I don't mind her

ChitoseBuntaAkaya...Why not, anyway :D How did you come up with this pairing?


tezzino August 25 2011, 00:12:39 UTC
Lol, but I ~am~ sorta fixated. XD

Rambling Hearts is quite a good movie though, even though it's straight (I watched it for Renn, and found him cute and amusing in it) Besides, he's not involved all that much in the actual romance (more like in the end). He's a cute pierot (or however it's spelled). <3
It's too bad that the closest he's gotten to being a character in a BL (Boys Love 2 doesn't count because he's in it for like.. just a few minutes) is Nanba. ...He should be in a BL with Suda (or Aiba).

I got into the threesome because of HOCCA's lovely art. :D -->


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