TeniPuri Data Hunting/Gathering - 5th round - RIKKAI & SHITENHOUJI

May 19, 2011 21:39

Hello everyone! :)Hm, this is a bit different from previous rounds (it's more psychological, I guess), so I wonder if I will get some result. Also, I'm sorry for being late, but, May is pretty busy month (mainly when the school is coming to the end soon).
This time, you have two themes, you can choose one, or answer to both, whatever you want :D

Theme is: Rikkai and/or Shitenhouji :)
So, check it out and enjoy! Everyone (anons too!) are welcome! :)

For newbies :)

My random idea 8D Some kind of survey or a popularity poll, just for fun from fan to fans :)
In Japan, they have official popularity polls of the most favourite character, school, etc. But we who live outside of Japan, we can't join
them. So let's make our own vote poll :) But there isn't any voting poll without votes and only you, can give me yor votes! ^^

You don't have to answer to all questions you don't like or sth :D


1. Describe with one word Rikkai.
2. What you first imagine when you hear/see Rikkai Big Three?
3. Your the most favourite quote by Rikkai boys is?
4. Your the most favourite scene involving whoever from Rikkai is?
5. If you could become one Rikkai boy, which one would you become and what would you do?


1. What you first imagine when you see/hear Shitenhouji?
2. Describe with one word Shiraishi.
3. Which character has the weirdest personality/hobbies?
4. Most favourite Shitenhouji pair?
5. Which character does resemble you the most?

Just for those who didn't read New Prince of Tennis or don't know what's going on :D
BONUS: What do you think that Shiraishi has under his bandage?

This time it's a bit psychological play with your minds :D /beggining psychologist, yes :D/

Ends: May 31st

Thank you everyone for participating! <3

tenipuri, tenipuri data hunting/gathering

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