Yeah, TeniPuri gets a theatrical anime film xD

Nov 27, 2010 22:26

 WTF, and I jumped on my bed which almost broke my bed down :D

When I saw my F-page and as a first news there was post from ANIMENEWS with title: "The Prince of Tennis manga gets a theatrical anime film." I almost fainted and then I started screaming "YEEEEESSSSS!" xD

Hmmm, it will take long time to be released, but what :) Until that time they will release some mmore PairPuri, manga and AnoPuri and musicals and CDs and who kknows what, so I can survive xD

When it comes to films...

I WENT TO SEE HARRY POTTER AND DEATHLY HALLOWS TODAY!!! (in English with subs, of course, damn that Czech dub :D)

It was awesome *O*

It was highly better than brilliant, better than I expected :D

But I think it could be a little bit confusing for those who hadn't read Harry Potter or the last book :D But I like it.

Yeah, I can't wait for second part, there will be battles and they are going to fight and I love fights XDD And at least, other characters appear.

Because this was only around Harry and Ron and Hermione and that'S just boring xDD Harry, he's so Gary-Stuish xD I want to see other characters. I want to see more of Draco xD Becase Tom Felton is vblskvpflkynb, yes XDD He is tall and in that suit in HP7 with that face he was irresistible XDDD

Lol xD And I like the scene with Neville :D Bad guys went to seek through train if Harry wasn't there and Neville: "He's not here, LOSERS!" xDD

Draco and Nevill ARE characters, Harry isn't xDDD

Oh yes, and today I saw Supporters 15! WTF, I was looking for it so long time for download or something, eventually I wanted to buy it and then, today, I randomly saw it on youtube :D Oh yes, Rikkai, my Rikkai xD Massu and Mio and Kane and Baba and Masa and Genki and the rest, wait for me guys! XDDD

Today was great day XD Yesterday as well :D I'll write you later about yesterday's hockey, it was something xDD

supporters, *personal, *fangirling, harry potter

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