I have some kind of feeling that I had missed something.

Nov 03, 2010 22:16

 Something like THIS.




WTF :D Firstly, where does it come from? Second, wow, one month I'm not watching him and this happened XD I just found it today randomly while waiting for downloading D-Boys stage o_O :D Where is it from? When? Why? :D I found it with some short interview, I hadn't read it, maybe later. But I discovered, that his weight is 59kg :D

Wow :D

But he's weird. Sato-chan is just weird :D Oh geez, I hadn't seen him for such long time xD

Continuing in lurking xD

EDIT: OH, Hide got slapped from Sato-chan, what a fail xDDD Hm xD Kimi he no Melody, just another romantic stupid stuff :D

sato hisanori

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