Spamming ♥

Jul 19, 2010 15:20

HAHA ♥ Because this makes me happier than I am already :D Hyper happy ♥ Hah, I should do something more useful instead of spamming your f-list o_O But I don't want to :D He is like a sunny,always smiling and shining *O*

Some time ago, I posted Yuya's pic on my Czech blog, and I received a comment: "He is looking horrible and slimily." o_O Such an offence. Che. (And that's why I moved here xD 60% of Czech people are stupid :D)
Lol, and ... somehow, icons from all posts in my journal changed to default icon, so which means, on all posts before, you can see smiling Sato-chan :D I don't know how it happened :D 
Ah, and it would be great if he has something like...YUYA A DAY or something. It would be great when somebody would everyday spam my f-list by his smile <3 (Scan from EmuGura 6. Hide looks great there too. And I don't mention Sato-chan and others.)

kido yuya, love, random

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