Mental health awareness month?

May 30, 2021 01:06

Mental health awareness month?
Never heard of that before but, it seems to be trending this month and I'm reading personal stories from those of my friends that have been brave enough to post openly.
I guess I'll give it a go:
Depression, anxiety,  obsessive compulsive tendencies, & BBD tendencies.
Depression comes in waves.. or spurts?
From people I've lost like my Mother and my Bestfriend, Two people that no one should have to go without in life or at least have one or the other. My dogs that have passed on over 8 and 10 years ago... still have a way of slipping up to the surface of my mind and then I loose it, sobbing uncontrollably like earlier this evening as I was going through some old storage from above the garage I came across their "favorite" toys.
Like anyone else I guess, I also become depressed with where I am in life, I feel like I'm so far behind where I should be.
I do my best not to keep my headspace stuck in those moments but, I allow myself to feel and then try to let go.

Anxiety Demon! This is a horrible curse that is rough on anyone. I didn't always have anxiety.. it just decided to show up one day and make itself at home. I'm afraid of death, death talk, illness, talk of illnesses (cancer in particular.. the "C" word), doctors,  bloodwork, xrays, all of it causes debilitating anxiety at times.
I avoid my triggers as much as possible.  I also use CBD to help manage my symptoms and it's been very helpful.

I obsess over things like germs and keeping my hands clean. Thankfully it's not always "on" and I'm not constantly obsessed.
I think my anxiety plays a huge roll in triggers.
I just deal with it the best that I can and am thankful it's not's more like a quirk.

BDD I have never been diagnosed but, I obsess over things that I have no control over.
I think I'm ugly.
This could be from being picked on a lot as a kid/teenager.. kids can be cruel.
It could also be from trauma from past relationships..People in general can be cruel.

My partner tries his best to reassure me in any case that I'm loved, not sick/dying, and beautiful.
It helps but, it's not a cure.

Be kind to others because you just never know what kind of battles they are dealing with.
I try my best to be respectful and kind.

samson & delilah, divorce, samson, mom, depression, abuse, anxiety, germ-a-phobia, death, delilah, fears

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