With All Due Respect...

Aug 04, 2011 00:29

Ok, so here's the thing: I, for seven whole years, have loved House, the show. I've loved it because of House, the main character, of course, but I also loved it because of the dynamic he had with other characters. And I mean ALL of them! Like the lenient mother of a turbulent child, I was ready to excuse all his flaws. I understood his reckless behaviors and forgave his misguided, sometimes even violent outbursts. I was very conciliatory, full of emotional compromises and most of the time ready to keep my eyes closed for every tiny little inconsistency that was thrown out there occasionally. There was a time I was like that, yes, because House was grand, inspiring and above all, absolutely incomparable. But then, in my opinion, it changed. It became less surprising, ergo more predictable. That constant recycling of the same “I’m miserable and people don’t change” refrain started to get old, sadly less creative and less rewarding for me as a viewer.

This is no news to say that the season 7 of House has mostly been controversial, especially the way its finale was handled. Some liked it and some didn’t. I didn’t. There, I said it. And so what? Is this insulting? Am I flaunting my opinion in other people’s faces? Do I patronize them for not thinking like me, or worse, am I being proselyte, trying to force people to share my vision of the show? It sincerely feels odd that I have to ask myself those questions...

I have very good friends. I love them for who they are and what they do with their lives. But if they screw up, I don’t keep cheering blindly for every mistake that they make. I tell them how stupid I think they are and how much I disapprove of their choices. That, doesn’t make me less of a friend. On the contrary, in my opinion, that just makes me an honest one. So, sincerely, I’m getting really tired and upset to read that, just because I'd DARE say that I think the dynamic of House has been seriously compromised with bad storylines or the recent loss of one of its essential characters, I'd have suddenly become an annoying, disrespectful fan that doesn't earn the right to express an opinion anymore. As it turns out, you can perfectly criticize something you love when the intrinsic nature of your critic is nothing but disappointment towards a creation you once respected for its uniqueness, especially when that uniqueness is no longer exceptional; at least from your point of view (which in my country, last time I checked, was something you had the right to express). THIS, is not disrespect, and even less bashing. I feel free to say I think blind praises and constant, convenient adjustments of expectations aren't healthy responses to excruciating, careless creative decisions made by people who actually don't give a shit about what kind of an impact their arrogant writing and producing approach has on fans because I'm aiming that neither at someone in particular, nor at a specific group of people. It's only a personal feeling! To quote House himself: "If you prick me, do I not bleed?" Well duh, yes I do! And I don't see why I couldn't say it or why, just because there are people out there who are still content with the show, and the noise I could make with my protest would disturb their ever faithful awe... How about their ever faithful awe is disturbing my bafflement?! Still, I don’t accuse anybody for having an opinion that differs from mine. Everybody is free to say what they want, but with that premise the probability to have different outcomes is inevitable. I, for one, deal with it! Sure, House is about House, and I get that, but I refuse to hide behind the convenient excuse that says there is nothing to worry about as long as House is still House, because that is just a lie! House would never have become who he is without the constant inputs and challenges people around him have submitted him to. It's an EQUATION! The alternative left to fans is not: "live in the past, or move on," it's about having preferences regarding the elements that constitute that equation. People made House change, not just him. House alone would just be a loser. The compelling aspect of his struggles is mostly triggered by the people that surround him! Change the people and you change House, hence you change House.

So far, I've liked House because I've liked a specific EQUATION: one to which Wilson, Foreman, Chase, Thirteen, Taub AND Cuddy belonged... one on which, Cameron, Kutner, Amber and Masters had an indisputable impact! And if I want to say that I'm definitely less interested in House’s future now that the equation has radically changed, even though House is still going to be someone who will surely keep having a life full of ups and downs (some of which may even probably be interesting) I don’t think I’m deliberately outraging anyone… I will most likely watch next season. I just won't ohh and ahh every other second because House is this awesome miserable, unredeemable anti-hero I should worship. I don't. Not anymore. And that's not deliberate provocation to say it.

Rant over.

Thank you for reading.

PS: I am responding to no particular personal attack I'd have been the subject of. In fact, nobody has been directly disrespectful to me or my opinions, but that doesn't negate the actual existence of the phenomenon that insidiously keeps spreading online among House fans of all sorts. I just can't condone it, even though I'm not concerned.

season 7, house, mood

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