Couple Counseling - 7x02 "Selfish"

Feb 18, 2011 21:32

Title: Couple Counseling for episode 7x02 "Selfish"
Status: Fictional 'Shrink' session between a 'virtual' me and either House or Cuddy, or both.
Summary: Through fictional dialogues, just a fun pretext to discuss the 'Huddy' relationship. Not really a review, but consider it another way of giving my two cents about the episode...
Disclaimer: Well of course, nothing is mine! it all belongs to David Shore, the lucky b... *sigh*

Session takes place with House and Cuddy together.

Maya: So what’s new?

House: We went public.

Maya: Good! Whose idea was it?

Cuddy: Mine. I wanted to report our relationship to HR.

M: Why? Isn’t that a little fast?

House: There’re supervising issues we… needed to consider.

M: I see. So, how did the supervising go?

House: Bad at first…

Cuddy: And then good...

M: What happened?

House: I had a patient. 14 year-old. She almost died.

M: Oh... Did you have problems diagnosing her?

House: Not exactly.

Cuddy: He had a problem treating her. Because of me…

M: What do you mean “because of you?”

House: She’s my boss. I need her approval on risky procedures… And she didn’t approve the ones I had in mind…

Cuddy: But it never stopped you before…

House: Before was different…

M: You’re taking that ‘before and after’ road again…

House: Because, ‘before and after’ is what made everything change!

Cuddy: Are you saying you regret being with me?

House: No, you idiot! I don’t regret it, I…

M: We talked about that last week. House is asking himself a lot of questions.

Cuddy: You’re scaring me.

M: House, tell her how you feel about the whole situation.

House: She knows it already. We don’t have to talk about it, we demonstrated it. Live!

Cuddy: And that’s why we reported to HR. Everything’s good now. You don’t have to worry…

House: It’s not just about signing love contracts to prevent me from suing your precious hospital!

M: What is it about then?

House: She’s a control freak. She likes things to be done her way.

Cuddy: Which makes it a nightmare to wish for that to happen with you…

House: Which makes it almost inevitable for things to blow up between us…

Cuddy: Don’t do that again...

M: He has a point. You are his boss and he’s your employee. Don’t you think he’s right to be concerned?

Cuddy: Probably, but not to the point of never confronting me about anything anymore…

M: Please elaborate.

Cuddy: House always comes up with crazy ways to treat his patients. And of course, as the Dean of Medicine, it’s my job to object.

M: But you actually agree with him?

Cuddy: No. I mean, not always. I’m just saying that it’s what I need to do. But House knows exactly when to overrule my orders and when not to. Saying ‘no’ is my job but ignoring my disapproval is sometimes House’s, in a twisted way. And before…

House: Ha! You see? You can feel a difference too!

Cuddy: Of course I do! Don’t you think I do? You made me approve a crazy dangerous surgery…

M: You sound bitter.

C: No, I’m not bitter. We just needed to adjust…

House: You’re saying you knew we’d screw it up and you let me agree with you like a docile puppy?

M: Now you sound bitter…

House: She lied to me! She pretended to approve procedures she totally disagreed with and she knew it would confuse me. Damn it! Did you do that to confuse me?

Cuddy: Of course not! I was struggling to find the right thing to do just like you. I thought if I constantly said ‘no’ to you, you would have hated me…

House: This is crazy.

Cuddy: You didn’t even try to make an argument about it…

M: Are you saying you wanted him to make an argument?

Cuddy: I don’t want to compromise who we are.

M: Is arguing with House part of who you are?

Cuddy: In a way, yes.

House: Well, she’s hot when she’s angry, so she sorta makes a point…

M: Does it turn you on when you’re arguing with each other?

House: That’s a twisted question…

Cuddy: Maybe…

House: What?

Cuddy: Come on! You felt it, just like me: we argued and then, it felt real, sincere even…

House: She said we needed to be ‘brutally and painfully honest with each other.’

Cuddy: He was shutting himself down…

House: Maybe I did it for a reason!

Cuddy: Why?

M: Have you ever considered he might be scared…

Cuddy: Scared?

House: Do you remember the last time I was really angry at you. I don’t think it qualifies as being hot, or fun… painful and brutal on the other hand…

Cuddy: But you’re not going to hurt me… Not now…

M: House, are you afraid you could hurt Cuddy?

House: ….....

M: How are things going between you right now?

House: You mean sexually?

M: I mean in general.

House: Then you do mean sexually… because away from the hospital, we practically don’t get out of bed.

M: Is that a bad thing?

House: No… Duh! But… We never leave my place. I didn’t even meet her kid…

Cuddy: You want to meet Rachel?

House: Not exactly… But I mean, that’s not real life.

Cuddy: You and I aren’t real?

House: Oh yes we are! We very much are… that’s why…

Cuddy: So, what’s the problem?

House: If I’m letting this happen… The hospital, you and your daughter and Wilson and my team… there will be no turning back.

Cuddy: Do you feel trapped?

House: That’s not what I’m saying… I don’t exactly have the same life options as you have: I’m 51, with a history of drug abuse, and a handicap… And you…

Cuddy: You’re afraid I’m going to leave you?

House: Aren’t you?

Cuddy: Afraid that I’m going to leave you? NO! I chose to be with you, remember? Now, that you’re going to leave me? Of course it’s a possibility. But I’m not going to sit there and do nothing, just waiting to see if it happens.

House: What do we do then?

M: Cuddy’s right. You need to put more faith in your relationship. You need to stop thinking about who you think Cuddy wants you to be and be more spontaneous…

Cuddy: Ha! See? I was right to provoke you...

M: But House is right too! You can’t spend the rest of your life either in bed having sex, or at the hospital arguing over your patients’ conditions. You need to go out! Have fun. Meet people, do things as a couple. You need to be in situations where it’s not just the two of you, be it personal or professional. Interacting with people outside those familiar bubbles is the best way to test your relationship. You’ll see how it goes and how you handle it…

Thank you for reading!
Comments are nice.

huddy, cuddy, season 7, couple counseling, house

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