Since I finally have a computer I think I'll be starting this Challenge today. I wanted to do it at the same time as Kate <3 whom I stole this from, but hey life gets in the way ;) so hope you guys can cope with me posting some stuff everyday :)
Well Here's THE list.
Day One: Favourite Actor
Day Two: Favourite Movie
Day Three: Favourite Musician
Day Four: Favourite Book
Day Five: Favourite Food
Day Six: Favourite Song
Day Seven: Favourite TV Show
Day Eight: Pictures Of Your Room
Day Nine: Favourite Flower
Day Ten: Favourite Outfit
Day Eleven: Recent Picture Of Yourself
Day Twelve: Where Your Family Is From
Day Thirteen: Favourite Memory
Day Fourteen: Favourite Purchase Ever Made
Day Fifteen: Current Grades
Day Sixteen: Future Tattoos
Day Seventeen: A Childhood Picture
Day Eighteen: Favourite Board Game
Day Nineteen: Something That Made You Smile Today
Day Twenty: A 10+ Year Old Picture
Day Twenty-One: Favourite Movie Quote
Day Twenty-Two: Picture Of You On This Day
Day Twenty-Three: Favourite Music Video
Day Twenty-Four: Something Embarassing In Your Room
Day Twenty-Five: One Of Your Most Prized Possessions
Day Twenty-Six: A Picture From One Of The Greatest Days Of Your Life
Day Twenty-Seven: A Picture Of Where You’re From
Day Twenty-Eight: A Drawing
Day Twenty-Nine: Somewhere You Want To Visit
Day Thirty: Whomever You Find Most Attractive In This World
I'll try to make this actually happen lol