Simple Plan 30 Days Challenge

Aug 12, 2010 23:38

So finishing this up :)

Day 17 - Something you love about Jeff Stinco

I love that Jeff is the most private one, he is very serious in many aspects but he can be so funny too. I find it incredible and amazing that even when he is a very good guitarist he still practices like crazy and thinks he is not that good yet, is amazing because it makes him grow more each day :)

Day 18 - Something you love about David Desrosiers

David, it would be way more easy to ask me what I don't lime about him... the answer would be nothing. I love every piece that forms that little canadian bassist.
He is a very beautiful man, not handsome, beautiful, his eyes, nose, lips, they are all pretty, even his god damned eye lashes! But besides being beautiful he is sexy, Its incredible you know that in the last few years he hasn't gotten a shirtless picture, so it leaves up to you imagination what is underneath and it makes him more alluring...
I love that he is childish for almost everything and loves making jokes. But he can also be serious in serious matters. Even when he looks like the one who doesn't give a hell, he is one of the most dedicated to his fans and its adorable :)
I really can't wait for the day I meet him.
Ohhhh plus he is a Diva and that is just so cute for a man lol <3

Day 19 - Favourite Simple Plan Album

I would have to say Simple Plan. I really love them all but this one is the one I've probably listened to the most, and I love that every song has more depth, its more mature, and even when SP is loved and known for their playfulness this album just shows you that there is another side to them.

Day 2O - Favourite lyric from a song on the album No Pads, No Helmets.. Just Balls

"No matter where life takes me to, I'll meet you there. And even if I need you here, I'll meet you there"
                 - Meet you There
"Nobody cares cause I'm alone and the world is having more fun than me tonight"
                 - I'm Just A Kid

Day 21 - Favourite lyric from a song on the album Still Not Getting Any..

"You might think I'm happy but I'm not gonna be OK"
                  - Welcome To My Life
"I don't wanna wake up some day and find out it's too late to do all the things I wanna do"
                  - Jump
 "We spent all out money on stupid things, but if I look back now I'd probably give it all away, just for one more day with you"
                  -  Everytime

Day 22 - Favourite lyric from a song on the album Simeple Plan

"This place is so pathetic, doesn't anybody get it?"
"I try to smile but I can't remember how"
                  - Holding On
"You say we've got no future, you're living in the past, so listen up, that's my Generarion"
                 - Generation
"All those things you've done to me I can't erase. And I can't keep this inside. It's time to say goodbye"
                 - Time to Say Goodbye

Day 23 - Your favourite Simple Plan song that doesnt have a music video

Holding On :)

Day 24 - Favourite Simple Plan music video

I don't wanna think about you

image Click to view

I just love the whole 24/SP/Scooby Doo thing :) plus its was very nicely done!

Day 25 - Your favourite unreleased Simple Plan Song

If I got this question right.. then my answer is "Vacation" :D I love that song!

Day 26 - One Simple Plan song you could listen to forever

"When I'm Gone" Never get tired of it!!!

Day 27 - How/When you became a SP Fan

Kyaaaa finally got to this question :D Soooo I'll let you into my little story:

The first song I ever heard of Simple Plan WAS I'm Just a Kid, in the New Guy, but at that point in my life I actually hated Rock and Punk music, I was a Pop girl and only listened to that kind of music and nothing else. Around 2004 my Harry Potter addiction started, with it I started reading Fan Fiction, thanks to this I started to listen to every song "Song Fics" would use and that is how I stumbled across this beautiful and very sad story called "Barefoot is Beautiful". This story was about a certain Character losing his wife and later on his child and throughout the whole fic the lyrics to "Meet You There" were used. I cried so much reading this story and the song was so perfect. I looked up the song and then started looking up more from the band. I simply fell in love, and have been my favorite band ever since.

I bought "No Pads, No Helmets... Just Balls" and couldn't find "Still Not Getting Any..." for many years, it was actually the last album I got a hold of.

Day 28 - Your Favourite Simple Plan memory

I really don't have one yet, but the day David opened his twitter was such a fun day!! :D And the first time I watched A Big Package For You... that day for me was very special, because I fell more in love with this guys I already loved to pieces. (I watched ABPFY on 2009... I had to order it all the way from Australia  :) )

Day 29 - A Simple Plan Song that makes you sad/happy

"Everytime" I love this song, it can make me smile and cry too, can't really explain it :S but its an amazing song

Day 30 - Why you love Simple Plan so much

Because they are great in many ways. You have 5 very hot, funny, cute, amazing, different guys who make love with their music. They write great music and lyrics, perform live like no other and love their fans. And you know they worked very hard to get to where they are now. They didn't rise quickly but now after 10 years they are up there and still rocking :) I love them PERIOD.

simple plan, 30 days challenge

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