Dec 25, 2007 18:24
Who else is with their family yet feels lonely? Probably not many im assuming.
My family involves me and my parents and their puppy higgins.
My stomach feels icky. Not from food or anything but just from nervousness. I cant stop feeling nervous. I cant stop having that disgusting feeling in my stomach. Butterflies. But bad ones. Not good ones. For many reasons I suppose.
First...when you decide to stop talking to people because you constantly have that feeling and then it goes away and you finally feel good again you should leave it that way. (run on sentance I know) The second you decide to start talking to people again that caused that feeling it just comes back. And no matter how bad you want to talk to them, if it feels that gross in your stomach to talk to them again you should probably stop huh? Make the decision that talking to them again was NOT a good idea. I mean your body is telling you so right? I dont know someone give me their opinion.
Second...I think it also feels this way cuz I feel like im lost in life. I havnt decided what I want to do yet. Do I want to go back to school after fucking up so bad? or do I want to get a job and save up a butt load of money to do other things I really wanna do. Something is telling me to save up and just travel a TON. Another part of me is saying I should save a ton till june and then move somewhere. Somewhere out of state. Either new york, ct, seattle, portland, flordia, vancoover, hawaii, I think those are the places I would choose.
I just want the holidays to be over so that people can hang out again. That was the only thing making me feel half way good in the last two weeks. Distracting my mind. Making my stomach not feel like shit again well that and all the working out ive been doing but the club is not open right now which blows.
Just please make this icky feeling go away someone. Cuz when this happens I cant eat, I cant sleep and I always feel like vomiting. AND when I watch wishy washy shit I just cry like a lil baby.
Im sad right now.
Holly, dan, chad, jeff, gates, the crew come back to me now. Please.