So I am pretty fucked up right now. Not really fucked up. Not sober. Not tipsy. Just good old fucked up!
Anyways...I have decided that I am going to put at the end of each live journal entry the ridiculous things I hear at work. I dont care if you dont like it cuz I will like it. Being in my LJ. So I can remember always how pathetic men and some woman are. And it will be awesome.
These are some randoms thoughts...
-My kitten is cute! She is looking at a spider on the ceiling and look very concentrate. She is now trying to climb up the wall to get to the spider. And is making weird noises. Not purs. Not meaws. Not hisses. Just weird noises. It is all VERY cute.
-I love certain men and hate others. But the certain men I love I doooo love. LOTS!
-I feel good right now.
-Me and Dan had a dinner date tonight. It was nice. Good conversation. Good times.
-Certain songs blow my mind at how good they are.
-I had SOO much fun tonight with my friends. It was hilarious. Yale kicked cars ass. Car was soo fucked up. SOO FUNNY! LOTS O LAUGHS!
Ok thats really it. All this stuff is lame and funny at the same time. Writing in LJ fucked up is sweet. haha.
Time for the...
-You have great feet. Wanna feet fuck? Just slap some oil on those babys and go to town.
-Has anyone ever told you you look like a liger? Its the prettiest animal. You are such a cutie you know that?
-This is what a girl ACTUALLY DID...walks under the rope REALLY fast and dives head first for the door. She looks confused and awkward and this is what I did.....HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA ALOT!
-Drunk men that get just a LIL too close to you when they are talking. Awkward and gross.
-Kisses on the cheek from co-workers. I guess thats not SOOO bad.
-3 Jock looking guys come in with matching belts. The big buckle is sorta like a tv screen thing that words scroll across. Phrases like...I love Beaver, And...I want to hump, Fuck off, scroll across the screen. SO GAYYYY!!! Literally homosexual.
That is all I have for tonight. But tomorrow is another night with fun more storys to tell. AMAZING!
Oh wait...I have a present for you all...
Its six in the morn...Ive worked all night with anoying drunks. I partied a bit and got drunk. I wasnt anoying though. I promise. hahah. And this is the result...
Sexy fucking hair and a sexy face that is slightly awkward!!!!! hahahahah. I think im funny. At least I make myself laugh. Thats all I need. Really. Wait...
A little sex to show Im not always that gross looking. haha. Yeah so you cant see my face. But does that really matter?
Im going to laugh at this alot tomorrow.
You all have a goodnight. And IM OUT!