Monogamy may be a myth...

Mar 18, 2008 09:02

...but misogyny is alive and well. This article, by Natalie Angier no less, is supposedly about the fact that monogamy doesn't really exist in the animal kingdom. But for some reason, it can't stop insisting that prostitution is the same thing as general infidelity. Even animals trade favors for sex, so where's the harm? As if trading favors for sex is the same thing as paying to rape somebody, which, high class call girls aside, is what the vast majority of prostitution is. Because, I'm sorry, but "I have to do this or else I/my children will starve and my pimp will cut my face and stop giving me the drugs I'm addicted to" is not a valid definition of consent.

The article then goes on to point out that even though nobody, human or animal, is 100% monogamous, it's perfectly normal that instead of altering our view of acceptable mating practices so that fewer people would be inclined to buy and sell their extramarital sex under inhumane working conditions, we instead treat like shit anyone who fails to live up to the impossible standard of monogamy.

sex, feminism

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