The Joys of Motherhood & Wealth

Jan 14, 2008 19:21

The New York Times happily informs us that new moms who are having a hard time adjusting to the stresses of never sleeping and having a tiny parasite suctioning their tit can now relax in upscale bed & breakfasts with live-in lactation consultants. Or at least, new moms who can afford to pay $500 a night can.

My reaction to this is twofold. 1)You go, girl. What good is money if you can't use it to eat foil wrapped chocolates when the baby wakes up for the third time that night?

2)Shut the fuck up. The Times prints articles like this as though the lives of wealthy Manhattanites have any damn thing to do with the lives of 90% of the world's mothers, most of whom are just trying to keep themselves and their children alive in societies that simultaneously idolize motherhood and shit on actual mothers.

So because rich women in NYC can afford as many prenatal massages as they want, or because young professional women in NYC are making more money than their male counterparts (, women have it great and should shut their bitching.



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