OK, I have to comment on the Casey Anthony verdict

Jul 09, 2011 15:57

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Myself, I think we (as a people and as a country) have MUCH more pressing matters to think about. Matters that are not only pressing but downright scary. Nonetheless, wherever I go, I see practically everyone focusing on Casey Anthony and how she got away with murdering her daughter Caylee.

Allow me to put in my two cents.

Frankly, I am surprised that the case even went to trial, given that the prosecution had no hard evidence as to HOW the child died, let alone who killed her, if she was in fact killed. I agree that Casey's behavior after the child's death was appalling and indicative of a deeply disturbed woman. But does it mean she is a murderer? No, it does not. The case against her was entirely circumstantial. And that's not enough to convict her of murder and possibly put her to death. I'm sorry, but it isn't. The verdict was given. It cannot be changed. She cannot be tried for murder again: double jeopardy. So what is the point of fixating on it, when, as I said before, there are much more pressing matters to think about?
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