Jun 14, 2005 00:55
Think about something you once wanted so badly but never acquired. Write about how you think your life would’ve been different if you had received what your heart desired.
So I guess this is supposed to be something where we're all glad we didn't get what we wanted and it teaches us some big lesson about how we're not supposed to want things we can't have?
Well, this post isn't going to be like that. When I was little, I always wanted a little brother or sister. Not because they'd be sweet or cute or anything. I know what babies are like. They smell bad and they cry. Most of them are pretty ugly too, with those scrunched-up little faces and coneheads.
So why would I want one? Well, duh. My parents. They could actually have something to pay attention to that wasn't each other, but wasn't ME. Now, whenever they fight (which is pretty much always), and they want to avoid each other, it's always "spend quality time with Maeby!" So they don't have to actually talk to each other.
If I had a little brother or sister, it wouldn't be like that. I could dump all the quality time responsibility on THEM. Plus I could tell them stuff like how there are elves living in the basement, and i you hold your pee in too long, it will turn your eyeballs yellow. All kinds of stuff, and they would believe me. That would rock.
I STILL wish I had a little brother or sister.